
Todas las Señales Apuntan al RV GCR...

Todas las señales apuntan a una semana verdaderamente notable por delante.

¡Feliz Navidad! ¡Que las Bendiciones de Navidad fluyan a Uno y a Todos, en Abundancia Masiva durante las próximas dos semanas, a medida que hacemos la transición a 2022! 

El Plan de 10 Días, el breve retraso acordado por el FMI para el lanzamiento de la nueva moneda de Irak; todavía está en vigor en Irak, fijado para el 26 o 27. Por supuesto, el FMI siempre puede cancelar o permitir la continuación justo antes de que comience esta revalorización, pero todas las señales apuntan a que este acto realmente tendrá lugar. Para ello podemos tener esperanza.

Los detalles y la evidencia del Gran Cambio a la Abundancia a través de RV GCR, continúan apareciendo. Todos los bancos, todos los cajeros automáticos están cerrados y no están disponibles durante cuatro días, en toda la nación de Irak. A la gente se le ha dicho que podrá traer sus billetes de 3 cero, para cambiar por la nueva moneda de Irak, el martes 28. Tendrán una nueva tasa y todos los dólares viejos deben ser entregados para estos nuevos Dinares de Oro.

Hay otros acontecimientos a tener en cuenta. Las Naciones Unidas aún no han reconocido que el Iraq ya no está en bancarrota en virtud del Capítulo 7, sino que es un Estado de la República Soberana, libre de deudas y abierto a los negocios.

Reconocemos que el "Capítulo 7" es el último intento de detener las colecciones. Un caso de bancarrota del capítulo 7 no implica la presentación de un plan de pago como en el capítulo 13. En cambio, el administrador concursal reúne y vende los activos no exentos del deudor y utiliza el producto para pagar a los acreedores de conformidad con las disposiciones del Código de Quiebras. Es una corporación que declara que no pueden pagar su deuda y que están renunciando para vender todos los activos restantes bajo la vigilancia de la corte.

¿Ha habido una "nueva corporación del Gobierno iraquí" establecida y reconocida? ¿Qué entidad está controlando y coordinando con la ONU hoy? Escuchamos que harían que el Primer Ministro fuera anunciado formalmente esta semana. El "primer ministro iraquí Mustafa Kadimi" es el candidato probable, dada su prominencia con las inversiones chinas que se están llevando a cabo actualmente. Sin embargo, no se ha compartido ninguna declaración formal.

Entendemos que a Kuwait se le pagaron todos los ingresos petroleros vencidos, hace 8 meses. Todas las deudas restantes, según lo acordado en el tribunal de bancarrota, han sido resueltas. ¿Podría ser que la ONU no esté reconociendo un nuevo gobierno de Irak, no hasta una fecha específica previamente acordada? Definitivamente. Y esa fecha se acerca rápidamente.

Los bancos están cerrados durante 4 días en todo el país de Irak, a partir de ayer. Nadie puede hacer depósitos o retiros. A la gente se le dice que están recibiendo notas nuevas. Se intercambiarán nuevos billetes. Los billetes antiguos, los billetes de 3 ceros deben entregarse de inmediato. A la nación iraquí se le está diciendo que tendrán nueva moneda y nuevas tasas. Eso comienza el MARTES 29/12/21. La medianoche, este próximo lunes es la fecha de la pared trasera que podemos ver para la prueba final del nuevo Dinar de Oro.

Tantas cosas están cambiando rápidamente en Irak y los Jumbotrons en las ciudades y pueblos de Irak, Market Square en todo el país cuentan una nueva historia de progreso y esperanza. Está bien establecido que China es socio de Irak en sus campos petroleros: China necesita petróleo. Antes de la firma del acuerdo entre China e Irán, el ejército estadounidense anunció a principios de este mes, diciembre de 2021, que terminaría su misión de combate de 18 años en Irak, dejando la puerta abierta para atraer inversiones chinas a Irak y han comenzado con enormes compromisos.

Con la ayuda de China, la deuda kuwaití se pagó hace 8 meses. La reconstrucción del sistema educativo iraquí se ha convertido en una prioridad para el gobierno iraquí. Según el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), actualmente hay alrededor de 3,2 millones de niños en edad escolar en el Iraq que no asisten a la escuela. China también ha optado por echar una mano en un momento crítico ayudando a construir 1.000 escuelas. El gobierno chino y el gobierno iraquí firmaron un acuerdo marco el 16 de diciembre, China ayudará a Irak a construir 1.000 escuelas. Esta ayuda incluye tanto dinero como mano de obra.

Según los informes, China Power Construction Group construirá 679, y China Power International Technology Co., Ltd. será responsable de la construcción de las 321 escuelas restantes. Además de los funcionarios de alto nivel de las dos compañías que asistieron a la ceremonia de firma, el primer ministro iraquí, Mustafa Kadimi, también asistió a la escena para presenciar la firma de un total de 15 acuerdos.


Los bancos en los Estados Unidos todavía están en un modo de crisis presionando para que este RV GCR se lance de inmediato. Los Centros de Canje cuentan con personal, esperando comenzar, sin embargo, las notificaciones no se han enviado al Nivel 4B y no se han producido lanzamientos a los titulares de SKR. La suposición de esta falta de acción es que el retraso se debe a que Basilea 3 está a punto de convertirse en ley, el 1 de enero de 2021, cambiando todo. Este plazo establece nuevas pautas para el mínimo absoluto permisible de activos a deuda que deben cumplir estos bancos (13%). Este plazo también establece la fecha límite para la nacionalización de estos bancos. La Fed se hace cargo cuando los bancos están en mora. Han tenido años para ponerse al día, pero han fracasado. Este es el impulso para lograr el RV GCR. Es como un Catch 22: un juego del gato y el ratón. Las tarifas que estos bancos podrían cobrar podrían ponerlos en un lugar saludable. BOA, WF, CHASE, CITI, todos los bancos de primer nivel, deben cumplir con Basilea 3. No tienen ninguna forma de cumplir con esta directriz para el 1 de enero de 2022. ¿Esperaremos hasta el 1 de enero de 2022 para una Adquisición del Banco Nacional, por parte del nuevo Tesoro Federal, nacionalizando estos bancos y estableciendo una nueva estructura bancaria bajo un nuevo Gobierno Federal? Podríamos. Es solo una conjetura por ahora, pero, basada en algunas corazonadas sólidas. Esto es lo que hemos estado esperando. Estaremos intercambiando estricta y exclusivamente bajo el Nuevo Tesoro. Sin embargo, tendremos que esperar y ver si así es como se desarrollan las cosas. Podemos mantener un buen pensamiento sobre esto que está teniendo lugar.

Después de todo, Estados Unidos está en bancarrota al igual que Irak, al igual que la City de Londres. Al igual que el Vaticano.

Estamos escuchando de varias personas que están en el CMKX F&P (adjudicado), que están viendo fondos (visibles) en sus cuentas bancarias. Las citas bancarias también se están fijando para el próximo martes para el último paso para liberar el acceso completo a los fondos.

BUILD, BACK, BETTER es historia, gracias a Joe Manchin y no va a haber ningún robo por impuestos. Tendremos un comienzo increíble para 2022. Es difícil de creer que todavía estamos presionando para que este RV comience, pero tuvieron que pasar muchas cosas para que esto sea posible para intercambiar / canjear de manera segura. Este es un tremendo cambio global y solo podemos dar GRACIAS a los Sombreros Blancos que trabajan para restaurar nuestra LIBERTAD bajo la Constitución Original de 1776, aboliendo todo lo que vino después de la toma de posesión de la Corona de nuestra Gran y Brillante Nación, en 1871.

La evidencia apunta al hecho de que en enero de 2022, el dólar fiduciario estará oficialmente muerto, al igual que el IQD. ¡Viva el Dinar de Oro! ¡Viva la USN Dorada!

Estas son las pistas, los detalles a los que podemos aferrarnos a lo largo de la próxima semana. Habrá más información próximamente, y por ahora estamos sentados en nuestro conocimiento de todos los eventos trascendentales que se están desarrollando. ¡Alegría en abundancia está aquí!

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, Dicember 25, 2021


Evergrande Has Finally Defaulted: Here's What Happens Next...

 This is the way Evergrande ends: not with a bang but a whimper.

Three months after an initial shockwave of fear that China's largest and most indebted property developer was set to default, roiled global markets only to see the company repeatedly kick the can on several occasions even as the final default was always just a matter of when not if (due to billions in interest payments and tens of billions in upcoming debt maturities), overnight ratings agency Fitch (with Moodys and S&P set to follow shortly) officially downgraded insolvent property developers China Evergrande Group and Kaisa Group, saying they had defaulted on offshore bonds.

The downgrades to so-called "restricted default" status came days after the companies failed to make an offshore bond interest payment, even though Evergrande and Kaisa have not officially announced defaults that will result in drawn-out debt restructuring processes and potentially nationalization.

In its note on Evergrande, Fitch said the developer - which failed to make overdue coupon payments on two bonds by the end of a 30-day grace period on Monday -did not respond to its request for confirmation on coupon payments worth $82.5 million that were due last month, with the 30-day grace period ending this week, and so assumed "they were not paid."  On Tuesday, S&P said that a default by the developer was “inevitable" and is likely to declare a Selective Default event momentarily to keep in line with Fitch.

Fitch defines a restricted default as indicating an issuer has experienced a default or a distressed debt exchange, but has not begun winding-up processes such as bankruptcy filings and remains in operation.

The non-payment has triggered an "event of default" on Evergrande's bonds and its other U.S. dollar notes will become due immediately and payable if the bond trustee or holders of at least 25% in aggregate amount declare so, Fitch said. The same "cross default" is true for Kaisa, which, according to Refinitiv data, has note maturities totlling $2.8 billion next year, and $2.2-3.2 billion of maturities each year between 2023 and 2025.

Fitch said there was limited information available on Kaisa's restructuring plan after it missed $400 million in offshore bonds repayment on Tuesday. Evergrande said last week it planned to forge ahead with a restructuring of its debt.

As extensively reported here for the past year, and especially since August, the fate of Evergrande which has more than $300 billion in liabilities, and other indebted Chinese property companies has gripped financial markets in recent months amid fears of knock-on effects around the world, although Beijing has repeatedly sought to reassure investors.

"The defaults of Evergrande and Kaisa move us to the second step of this China Property downturn, with systemic risk being gradually replaced by idiosyncratic risk," said Robin Usson, credit analyst at Federated Hermes. He is of course referring to the much bigger risk that is the downturn in China's residential - and in general property - sector, which as Goldman recently showed is the world's largest asset and arguably the most important pillar propping up China's entire economy. Should China's housing market crash, all bets are off.

The question now is just how aggressively will the state come to the economy's rescue to avoid a self-reinforcing toxic spiral. After all, just last week the PBOC finally capitulated and reversed on its long-running position of avoiding excess stimulus when it unexpectedly cut RRR and proceeded to hint that more is coming.

"It will be interesting to see the role played by SOEs (state-owned enterprises) in the restructuring process, the level of 'control' exerted by the government over this 'marketed-oriented approach'," Usson added.

Ahead of the Fitch determination, PBOC Governor Yi Gang said on Thursday that rights of Evergrande shareholders and creditors would be "fully respected" based on their legal seniorities, and the risk caused by a few Chinese real estate companies in the short term would not undermine Hong Kong's capital market.

Meanwhile, Reuters reports that Kaisa is expected to soon sign a non-disclosure agreement with Lazard, the adviser of a group of bondholders, the source and another person told Reuters. The bondholders hold over 25% of Kaisa's $12 billion offshore bonds. The NDA will lay the groundwork for further discussions on forbearance and financing solutions. But an agreement is unlikely in the next few weeks as the talks are still at an early stage.  Kaisa said it was open to talks on forbearance, but declined to comment on details.

The group of Kaisa offshore bondholders, which says it owns 50% of the notes that were due on Dec. 7, sent the company draft terms of forbearance late on Monday. The group previously offered $2 billion in fresh debt to help Kaisa repay its onshore and offshore debts, sources have said. Other financing ideas are also on the table.

Kaisa is also in talks with another bondholder group, the first person said. Kaisa's default came after it failed last week to secure the minimum 95% approval needed from offshore bondholders to exchange the bonds that were due Dec. 7 for new notes due June 6, 2023, at the same interest rate. Trading in Kaisa's shares, which have lost 75% this year, was suspended on Wednesday. Evergrande's stock has plunged 88% this year.

So what happens to Evergrande next?

First and foremost, today's news is not a surprise, with Evergrande bonds having already tumbled to record lows this week, after a flurry of news reports and leaks last week made it abundantly clear that billionaire Hui Ka Yan’s property giant is headed for China’s largest-ever debt restructuring.

As Bloomberg notes, barring a last-minute shock, holders of $19.2 billion in Evergrande dollar notes face deep haircuts as the company overhauls its mammoth balance sheet without a government bailout - a process that promises to be long, contentious and potentially risky for Asia’s largest economy.

The developments mark the beginning of the end for the sprawling real estate empire started 25 years ago by Hui, setting off a lengthy battle over who gets paid from what remains. Evergrande said in a brief exchange filing on Friday that it plans to “actively engage” with offshore creditors on a restructuring plan. The company is planning to include all its offshore public bonds and private debt obligations in the restructuring, people familiar with the matter said Monday.

Evergrande, which had more than $300 billion of liabilities as of June, becomes the biggest victim of President Xi Jinping’s efforts to crack down on the free-wheeling real estate sector and curb property speculation. As Bloomberg notes, "Beijing’s reluctance to bail out the developer sends a clear signal that the Communist Party won’t tolerate massive debt build-ups that threaten financial stability." It's also a signal that billionaires who made their fortunes off unviable businesses will not be spared.

But the question now is whether the government can limit the fallout. The bonds of many smaller, lower-rated real estate firms have also plunged in recent weeks, driving Chinese junk bond yields (which mostly cover the property market) to a record yield above 20%, though they were poised for a second day of gains Wednesday after Beijing’s easing signals injected confidence (and liquidity) into the market.

No less than 10 firms have already defaulted on onshore or offshore bonds since concerns about Evergrande’s financial health intensified in June, leading to a freeze in the bond market and a collapse in real estate transactions. While Kaisa is already in default, other peers are sure to follow: China Aoyuan Group said last week there’s no guarantee it will be able to pay its debt.

Meanwhile, the giant red flag is the continued collapse of home sales and prices as confidence in China's massive housing ponzi scheme evaporates, which has adding another headwind for an economy grappling with sluggish growth.

“They’re playing with fire,” said Cathie Wood, the head of Ark Investment Management, which pared its China holdings earlier this year.

For now, Chinese authorities are signaling that they plan to ring-fence Evergrande and limit contagion rather than orchestrate a rescue as they’ve done during past crises. Whether and how they can do that, will determine if 2022 is a year of recovery and normalization - as JPMorgan wrote in its year ahead outlook - or a global depression.

While the People’s Bank of China reiterated on Friday that risks posed to the economy by Evergrande’s debt crisis can be contained, citing the developer’s “own poor management” and “reckless expansion” for the problems it faces, the reality is that without government backstop it is likely that China's housing market will collapseand Beijing knows this. The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said in a separate statement that loans for real estate development and acquisitions should be issued in a “reasonable” manner.

But the clearest financial system support measures came on Monday, when China’s central bank released 1.2 trillion yuan ($188 billion) of liquidity via a cut in the reserve requirement ratio for most banks, a move which while expected came too fast and surprised most analysts and prompting the WSJ to write that "Beijing Reins In China’s Central Bank" in which it wrote:

Earlier this week, pressured by senior leaders worried about plunging economic growth, the PBOC said it would ease banks’ reserve requirements, effectively making more cash available for bank lending. The move went against policy signals it had sent weeks earlier and came as the central bank and other financial institutions came under scrutiny by Beijing, part of Mr. Xi’s effort to curb capitalist forces in the economy.

That was the tipping point. Shortly thereafter, the government pledged to support the housing market to better meet “reasonable” needs, adding to signs it will ease real estate curbs, first discussed here last month.

As part of the upcoming nationalization of Evergrande, officials are starting to take a more hands-on role at Evergrande. Chairman Hui was summoned by the Guangdong government last week after the company said it plans to work with creditors on a restructuring plan. Authorities in Evergrande’s home province will send a working group to urge the builder to manage risks, as well as strengthen internal controls and ensure normal operations. The company on Monday said state representatives have taken the majority of seats on a new risk management committee.

So far, containment efforts haven’t assuaged investors. While pain has so far largely been contained to China’s smaller offshore credit market, that’s little consolation for developers that have relied heavily on international investors to raise funds. Borrowing costs have spiked for companies with the weakest balance sheets, including Kaisa and Fantasia Holdings Group Co.

In total, Bloomberg calculates that Chinese borrowers have defaulted on a record $10.2 billion of offshore bonds this year, with real estate firms making up 36% of that.

“There is extreme stress in the market,” with about half the developers in the country in deep financial distress and pricing in high default risk, said Jenny Zeng, co-head of Asia Pacific fixed-income at Alliance Bernstein.

That said, China’s bigger, higher-rated developers such as Longfor Group Holdings and Country Garden Holdings are holding up much better than their lower-rated rivals. Country Garden, the largest developer by sales, has seen its 2031 bond rebound to 88 cents on the dollar, after dropping to 73 cents last month. A 2024 note sold by China Vanke Co., the second-biggest firm, has rallied to trade above par.

“We expect sector divergence to continue,” said Iris Chen, a credit desk analyst at Nomura Securities Co. “The high-quality survivors of the game will gain despite relatively high cash prices already, as they will have a better chance to restart normal refinancing, which will further strengthen their liquidity.”

But most importantly, as noted earlier, China is desperate to limit the fallout on the broader housing market, in a country where real estate accounts for about a quarter of economic output and as much as 75% of household wealth as we have noted for half a decade.  China’s housing slump has intensified in recent months after sales plunged and home prices fell for the first time in six years.

Contract sales by the country’s top 100 developers plunged 38% in November from a year earlier to 751 billion yuan, sharper than the 32% drop in the previous month, according to preliminary data from China Real Estate Information Corp.

As we explained in detail recently, any slowdown in real estate could have a ripple effect not only on China’s economy but on global growth. China’s growth slowed in the third quarter, with signs there will be more pain to come.

The Federal Reserve last month warned that fragility in China’s commercial real-estate sector could spread to the U.S. if it deteriorates dramatically. China’s real estate sector makes up almost half of the world’s distressed dollar-denominated debt.

Critically, Beijing has finally realized that its latest doomed attempt at deleveraging and avoiding liquidity injections has been a failure, and on Monday President Xi oversaw a meeting of the Communist Party’s Politburo that concluded with a signal of an easing in curbs on real estate. The leadership panel, gathering in advance of a broader annual economic session that sets goals for the coming year, pledged to stabilize the economy in 2022.

Meanwhile, for global bondholders, an Evergrande default is likely to start a prolonged battle for repayment. Chinese authorities have made it clear the company should put homebuyers, suppliers, and retail investors -- who bought the firm’s wealth management products -- ahead of debtholders. Some 1.6 million homebuyers have put down deposits with Evergrande for properties that have yet to be completed.

“No matter what the outcome, offshore bondholders are last in line for payment and are certainly going to have to accept haircuts, possibly significant ones,” said Andrew Collier, managing director of Orient Capital Research Inc. in Hong Kong.

With Evergrande’s dollar notes trading at about 20 cents on the dollar, the market is already pricing in a haircut of around 80%. The key for bondholders is whether the company can speed up home sales and unload assets to raise cash so it can start settling its liabilities, said Gary Ng, a senior economist at Natixis SA.

As Bloomberg reported recently, Evergrande’s offshore noteholders included Ashmore Group Plc and UBS AG, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Even as Evergrande’s stock and bond prices have plunged, Ashmore bought another $100 million of bonds issued by the developer or its subsidiaries in the third quarter. The trades brought its holdings to more than $500 million at the end of September, the data show.

Further market reaction to Evergrande’s missed payments may be driven by how the restructuring process plays out, said Jim Veneau, head of Asian fixed income at AXA SA. 

“An orderly restructuring, where the company can run its operations as normally as possible and refrain from distressed asset sales will substantially help contain further damage across the sector,” Veneau said.

The single biggest loser in dollar terms may be Evergrande founder Hui, who once owned more than 70% of the company before recent stock sales. The plunge in Evergrande’s share price this year has cut the chairman’s wealth by 73%, or about $17 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Once the second-richest man in China, Hui now ranks 75th.

For years, the son of an impoverished wood cutter who built one of China’s biggest real estate firms and later branched out into electric vehicles, tourism and soccer clubs, has been able to count on the support of Beijing, or other tycoons to bail him out. This time, he appears on his own.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, Dicember 10, 2021


Evergrande finalmente ha incumplido...

Así es como termina Evergrande: no con una explosión sino con un gemido.

Tres meses después de una onda de choque inicial de temor de que el desarrollador inmobiliario más grande y endeudado de China estaba a punto de incumplir, sacudió los mercados globales solo para ver a la compañía patear repetidamente la lata en varias ocasiones, incluso cuando el incumplimiento final siempre era solo una cuestión de cuándo no si (debido a miles de millones en pagos de intereses y decenas de miles de millones en próximos vencimientos de deuda), La agencia de calificación nocturna Fitch (con Moodys y S&P listos para seguir en breve) rebajó oficialmente la calificación de los promotores inmobiliarios insolventes China Evergrande Group y Kaisa Group, diciendo que habían incumplido con los bonos offshore.

Las rebajas a la llamada categoría de" incumplimiento restringido" se produjeron días después de que las compañías no hicieran un pago de intereses de bonos offshore, a pesar de que Evergrande y Kaisa no han anunciado oficialmente incumplimientos que resultarán en procesos prolongados de reestructuración de la deuda y potencialmente nacionalización. En su nota sobre Evergrande, Fitch dijo que el desarrollador, que no realizó pagos de cupones vencidos en dos bonos al final de un período de gracia de 30 días el lunes, no respondió a su solicitud de confirmación sobre pagos de cupones por valor de $ 82.5 millones que vencían el mes pasado, con el período de gracia de 30 días que termina esta semana. y así asumió que "no se les pagó". El martes, S&P dijo que un incumplimiento por parte del desarrollador era "inevitable" y es probable que declare un evento de incumplimiento selectivo momentáneamente para mantenerse en línea con Fitch. Fitch define un incumplimiento restringido como la indicación de que un emisor ha experimentado un incumplimiento o un intercambio de deuda en dificultades, pero no ha comenzado procesos de liquidación, como la declaración de bancarrota, y permanece en funcionamiento. La falta de pago ha desencadenado un "evento de incumplimiento" en los bonos de Evergrande y sus otros billetes en dólares estadounidenses vencen inmediatamente y serán pagaderos si el fideicomisario de bonos o los tenedores de al menos el 25% en el monto agregado lo declaran, dijo Fitch. El mismo "incumplimiento cruzado" es cierto para Kaisa, que, según los datos de Refinitiv, tiene vencimientos de notas que se aten a $ 2.8 mil millones el próximo año, y $ 2.2-3.2 mil millones de vencimientos cada año entre 2023 y 2025. Fitch dijo que había información limitada disponible sobre el plan de reestructuración de Kaisa después de que no cumplió con 400 millones de dólares en el pago de bonos offshore el martes. Evergrande dijo la semana pasada que planeaba seguir adelante con una reestructuración de su deuda. Como se informó ampliamente aquí durante el año pasado, y especialmente desde agosto, el destino de Evergrande, que tiene más de $ 300 mil millones en pasivos, y otras compañías inmobiliarias chinas endeudadas se ha apoderado de los mercados financieros en los últimos meses en medio de temores de efectos en cadena en todo el mundo, aunque Beijing ha tratado repetidamente de tranquilizar a los inversores. "Los impagos de Evergrande y Kaisa nos trasladan al segundo paso de esta recesión inmobiliaria de China, con el riesgo sistémico siendo reemplazado gradualmente por el riesgo idiosincrásicos", dijo Robin Usson, analista de crédito de Federated Hermes. Por supuesto, se refiere al riesgo mucho mayor que es la desaceleración del sector residencial de China, y en general de la propiedad, que como Goldman mostró recientemente es el activo más grande del mundo y posiblemente el pilar más importante que apuntala toda la economía de China. Si el mercado inmobiliario de China se desploma, todas las apuestas están desactivadas. La pregunta ahora es qué tan agresivamente acudirá el estado al rescate de la economía para evitar una espiral tóxica que se refuerza a sí misma. Después de todo, la semana pasada el PBOC finalmente capituló y revirtió su posición de larga duración de evitar el exceso de estímulo cuando inesperadamente recortó RRR y procedió a insinuar que se avecinan más. "Será interesante ver el papel desempeñado por las empresas estatales (empresas estatales) en el proceso de reestructuración, el nivel de 'control' ejercido por el gobierno sobre este 'enfoque orientado al mercado'", agregó Usson. Antes de la determinación de Fitch, el gobernador del PBOC, Yi Gang, dijo el jueves que los derechos de los accionistas y acreedores de Evergrande serían "plenamente respetados" en función de sus antigüedades legales, y que el riesgo causado por algunas compañías inmobiliarias chinas a corto plazo no socavaría el mercado de capitales de Hong Kong. Mientras tanto, Reuters informa que se espera que Kaisa firme pronto un acuerdo de no divulgación con Lazard, el asesor de un grupo de tenedores de bonos, dijeron la fuente y otra persona a Reuters. Los tenedores de bonos poseen más del 25% de los bonos offshore de 12.000 millones de dólares de Kaisa. La NDA sentará las bases para futuras discusiones sobre la indulgencia y las soluciones de financiamiento. Pero es poco probable que se haya un acuerdo en las próximas semanas, ya que las conversaciones aún se encuentran en una etapa temprana. Kaisa dijo que estaba abierto a conversaciones sobre indulgencia, pero se negó a comentar sobre los detalles. El grupo de tenedores de bonos offshore de Kaisa, que dice que posee el 50% de las notas que vencía el 7 de diciembre, envió a la compañía un borrador de los términos de indulgencia a última hora del lunes. El grupo ofreció previamente $ 2 mil millones en deuda fresca para ayudar a Kaisa a pagar sus deudas en tierra y en el extranjero, dijeron las fuentes. Otras ideas de financiación también están sobre la mesa. Kaisa también está en conversaciones con otro grupo de tenedores de bonos, dijo la primera persona. El incumplimiento de Kaisa se produjo después de que la semana pasada no logró asegurar la aprobación mínima del 95% necesaria de los tenedores de bonos offshore para intercambiar los bonos que vencían el 7 de diciembre por nuevos bonos que vencían el 6 de junio de 2023, a la misma tasa de interés. La negociación de las acciones de Kaisa, que han perdido un 75% este año, se suspendió el miércoles. Las acciones de Evergrande se han desplomado un 88% este año. Entonces, ¿qué pasa con Evergrande a continuación? En primer lugar, las noticias de hoy no son una sorpresa, ya que los bonos de Evergrande ya han caído a mínimos históricos esta semana, después de que una ráfaga de informes de noticias y filtraciones la semana pasada dejó muy claro que el gigante inmobiliario del multimillonario Hui Ka Yan se dirige a la reestructuración de deuda más grande de China. Como señala Bloomberg, salvo un shock de última hora, los tenedores de 19.200 millones de dólares en billetes de dólares Evergrande se enfrentan a profundos recortes a medida que la compañía revisa su gigantesco balance sin un rescate gubernamental, un proceso que promete ser largo, polémico y potencialmente riesgoso para la economía más grande de Asia. Los desarrollos marcan el principio del fin para el extenso imperio inmobiliario iniciado hace 25 años por Hui, lo que desata una larga batalla sobre a quién se le paga por lo que queda. Evergrande dijo en una breve presentación de intercambio el viernes que planea "participar activamente" con los acreedores offshore en un plan de reestructuración. La compañía planea incluir todos sus bonos públicos offshore y obligaciones de deuda privada en la reestructuración, dijeron el lunes personas familiarizadas con el asunto. Evergrande, que tenía más de 300.000 millones de dólares en pasivos a partir de junio, se convierte en la mayor víctima de los esfuerzos del presidente Xi Jinping para tomar medidas enérgicas contra el sector inmobiliario y frenar la especulación inmobiliaria. Como señala Bloomberg, "la renuencia de Beijing a rescatar al desarrollador envía una clara señal de que el Partido Comunista no tolerará acumulaciones masivas de deuda que amenacen la estabilidad financiera". También es una señal de que los multimillonarios que hicieron su fortuna con negocios inviables no se librarán. Pero la pregunta ahora es si el gobierno puede limitar las consecuencias. Los bonos de muchas firmas inmobiliarias más pequeñas y de menor calificación también se han desplomado en las últimas semanas, lo que ha hecho que los rendimientos de los bonos basura chinos (que cubren principalmente el mercado inmobiliario) a un rendimiento récord por encima del 20%, aunque estaban listos para un segundo día de ganancias el miércoles después de que las señales de flexibilización de Beijing inyectaron confianza (y liquidez) en el mercado. No menos de 10 empresas ya han incumplido con los bonos onshore o offshore desde que las preocupaciones sobre la salud financiera de Evergrande se intensificaron en junio, lo que llevó a una congelación en el mercado de bonos y un colapso en las transacciones inmobiliarias. Si bien Kaisa ya está en cesación de pagos, otros pares seguramente lo seguirán: China Aoyuan Group dijo la semana pasada que no hay garantía de que pueda pagar su deuda. Mientras tanto, la bandera roja gigante es el colapso continuo de las ventas y los precios de las viviendas a medida que se evapora la confianza en el esquema ponzi de vivienda masiva de China, lo que ha agregado otro viento en contra para una economía que lidia con un crecimiento lento. "Están jugando con fuego", dijo Cathie Wood, directora de Ark Investment Management, que redujo sus tenencias en China a principios de este año. Por ahora, las autoridades chinas están señalando que planean cercar a Evergrande y limitar el contagio en lugar de orquestar un rescate como lo han hecho durante crisis pasadas. Si y cómo pueden hacerlo, determinará si 2022 es un año de recuperación y normalización, como escribió JPMorgan en su perspectiva para el próximo año, o una depresión global.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, Dicember 10, 2021


Acciones de Evergrande de China se desploman a medida que el DEFAULT en toda regla se vuelve inevitable...

El lunes, el ex desarrollador más vendido en China, Evergrande, vio caer el valor de sus acciones a nuevos mínimos justo antes de que la compañía no cumpliera con un pago de bonos extranjeros (en dólares) de $ 82.5 millones.

Después de informes mixtos sobre dos pagos de cupones anteriores que supuestamente se hicieron en la hora 11 (la evidencia sugiere que Evergrande nunca hizo esos pagos, a pesar de lo que afirman los medios corporativos), los inversores cautelosos sacaron su dinero y enviaron las acciones a la caída.

Una declaración del viernes pasado mostró que los acreedores habían exigido $ 260 millones de Evergrande, pero que la compañía no podía garantizar fondos para el reembolso del cupón. Esto llevó a las autoridades chinas a convocar al presidente de la compañía, borrando el 20 por ciento del valor de la compañía en un día.

"Evergrande, que alguna vez fue el desarrollador más vendido de China, está lidiando con más de $ 300 mil millones en pasivos, lo que significa que un colapso desordenado podría extenderse a través del sector inmobiliario y más allá", informó CNBC sobre la saga.

Las autoridades de la provincia natal de Evergrande, Guangdong, emitieron su propia declaración el viernes indicando que la compañía enviará un equipo para "supervisar la gestión de riesgos, fortalecer el control interno y mantener las operaciones, el primer movimiento público del estado para intervenir directamente para gestionar cualquier consecuencia", agregó CNBC.

China afirma que el riesgo de Evergrande para el sector inmobiliario puede ser contenido

El banco central de China, junto con sus reguladores bancarios, de seguros y de valores, también emitieron declaraciones con la propaganda habitual sobre cómo nada de esto es un riesgo para el sector inmobiliario y que todo está bien.

Evergrande supuestamente ha entrado en algún tipo de proceso de reestructuración de deuda y activos administrados. Morgan Stanley agregó que este proceso implicará la coordinación entre las autoridades para mantener las operaciones de los proyectos inmobiliarios de Evergrande, muchos de los cuales están incompletos y en descomposición, y negociar con los acreedores en tierra para garantizar el financiamiento continuo.

Sin embargo, todo esto podría ser una cortina de humo, ya que todavía no hay pruebas de que se hayan realizado pagos de cupones. Un informe de DMSA (Deutsche Markt Screening Agentur GmbH) que cubrimos en octubre explicó esto con más detalle.

"Entre los inversores institucionales ya conocidos se encuentran direcciones tan conocidas como Fidelity, Blackrock, UBS, Ashmore Group, Prudential, HSBC, Pictet, Vontobel, BNP y Allianz", se lee en el informe.

El ex analista de Fitch, el Dr. Marco Metzler, agregó que estos son solo los inversores internacionales conocidos, y que "podría haber algunas sorpresas negativas" que aparecen más tarde una vez que el dominó realmente comience a caer de todo esto.

Según los informes, el gobierno chino le ha pedido al presidente de Evergrande, Hui Ka Yan, que use su propia riqueza para pagar la deuda de la compañía. Esto es algo que sería completamente inaudito aquí en los Estados Unidos, por cierto, donde en lugar de ser castigados por sus crímenes, los terroristas financieros son recompensados con rescates.

"La firma es solo una de una serie de desarrolladores privados de liquidez debido a las restricciones regulatorias a los préstamos, lo que provocó incumplimientos de deuda en el extranjero, rebajas de calificación crediticia y ventas masivas en acciones y bonos de los desarrolladores", informó CNBC sobre varios otros desarrolladores chinos como Kaisa y Sunshine que actualmente están en incumplimiento o al borde de ello.

Sunshine incumplió con un bono de 170 millones de dólares que vence el 5 de diciembre, "debido a problemas de liquidez derivados del impacto adverso de una serie de factores, incluido el entorno macroeconómico y la industria inmobiliaria", afirma la compañía.

A otro desarrollador chino más pequeño conocido como Aoyuan también se le ha pedido el reembolso de $ 651.2 millones después de una serie de rebajas de calificación crediticia. Debido a la falta de liquidez, estos pagos probablemente no se realizarán.

El lunes, el precio de las acciones de Aoyuan cayó casi un ocho por ciento, mientras que Kaisa perdió un 3,8 por ciento y Sunshine se desplomó un 14 por ciento.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, Dicember 8, 2021

China’s Evergrande shares plummet as full-blown DEFAULT becomes inevitable...

On Monday, the former top-selling developer in China, Evergrande, saw its stock value plummet to new lows right before the company failed to deliver on an $82.5 million foreign (dollar) bond payment.

Following mixed reports about two previous coupon payments that were supposedly made in the 11th hour – evidence suggests that Evergrande never actually made those payments, despite what the corporate media claims – wary investors pulled their money out and sent the stock plunging. A statement from last Friday showed that creditors had demanded $260 million from Evergrande, but that the company could not guarantee funds for coupon repayment. This prompted Chinese authorities to summon the company’s chairman, wiping 20 percent off the company’s value in a day. “Evergrande, once China’s top-selling developer, is grappling with over $300 billion in liabilities, meaning a disorderly collapse could ripple through the property sector and beyond,” reported CNBC about the saga. Authorities in Evergrande’s home province of Guangdong issued their own statement on Friday indicating that the company will be sending a team to “oversee risk management, strengthen internal control and maintain operations – the state’s first public move to intervene directly to manage any fallout,” CNBC added. China claims Evergrande’s risk to property sector can be contained China’s central bank, along with its banking, insurance and securities regulators, all issued statements as well with the usual propaganda about how none of this is a risk to the property sector and that everything is just fine. Evergrande has supposedly entered some kind of managed debt-asset restructuring process. Morgan Stanley added that this process will involve coordination between authorities to both maintain operations of the Evergrande’s property projects, many of which are incomplete and rotting, and negotiate with onshore creditors to ensure continued financing. All of this could be a smokescreen, though, as there is still no proof that any coupon payments were ever even made. A report by DMSA (Deutsche Markt Screening Agentur GmbH) that we covered back in October explained this in further detail. “Among the already known institutional investors are such well-known addresses as Fidelity, Blackrock, UBS, Ashmore Group, Prudential, HSBC, Pictet, Vontobel, BNP and Allianz,” that report reads. Former Fitch analyst Dr. Marco Metzler added that these are only the known international investors, and that there “could be some negative surprises” that turn up later once the dominos really start to fall from all this. Evergrande Chairman Hui Ka Yan has reportedly been asked by the Chinese government to use his own wealth to repay the company’s debt. This is something that would be completely unheard of here in the United States, by the way, where instead of being punished for their crimes, the financial terrorists are rewarded with bailouts. “The firm is just one of a number of developers starved of liquidity due to regulatory curbs on borrowing, prompting offshore debt defaults, credit-rating downgrades and sell-offs in developers’ shares and bonds,” CNBC further reported about several other Chinese developers such as Kaisa and Sunshine that are either currently in default or on the verge of it. Sunshine defaulted on a $170 million bond due Dec. 5, “owing to liquidity issues arising from the adverse impact of a number of factors including the macroeconomic environment and the real estate industry,” the company claims. Another smaller Chinese developer known as Aoyuan has also been asked for repayment of $651.2 million following a slew of credit-rating downgrades. Because of a lack of liquidity, these payments will probably not be made. On Monday, Aoyuan’s share price fell nearly eight percent while Kaisa shed 3.8 percent and Sunshine plunged 14 percent.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, Dicember 8, 2021

What is Ripple (XRP)?...

Ripple XRP remains the most exciting cryptocurrency on the market, along with Bitcoin and Ethereum. With the crypto trading market entering an exciting new era, traders who can guess an accurate Ripple prediction will take advantage to make a lot of money from the crypto exchange.

In this article we explain Ripple XRP and present information to make a price prediction of Ripple XRP. This includes analysis of Ripple's price in the cryptocurrency market, predictions of XRP's price in the past and predictions of Ripple's future price.

Ripple and XRP are often used interchangeably on most trading websites and exchanges. But strictly speaking, Ripple is not the same as XRP. Ripple is a privately held company that uses advanced blockchain technology to enable a network of real-time payment, exchange and shipping services built on a ledger database, the ledger of XRP. Ripple payment services support multiple currencies, including fiat currencies.

The price of the XRP coin is technically independent of the Ripple network-customers are not required to use the cryptocurrency, but the increased adoption of the Ripple payment system will definitely affect XRP price predictions as the general interest grows.

What are the differences between XRP and Bitcoin?:

1) Bitcoin is decentralized, completely public and aims to avoid banks. On the other hand, Ripple is controlled by a company that aims to work with banks.

2) Ripple XRP cannot be mined. Instead, a finite amount of XRP was created and immediately released by Ripple. With each transaction a small amount of XRP is destroyed, decreasing the supply.

3) It takes 10 minutes to over an hour to process a transaction with Bitcoin, but only four seconds with XRP.

4) XRP is capable of making 1,500 transactions per second, while Bitcoin's maximum is about 7 transactions per second.

5) Transactions are also cheaper with XRP. The average Bitcoin transaction fee has risen to $ 27, and each transaction takes an average of 70 minutes to complete.

So, should you buy Ripple's XRP? The current price of Ripple is good for buyers and it makes sense to invest if Ripple price predictions show that the price of XRP will go up. Let's take a look at Ripple's price history and XRP future price predictions from crypto exchanges and experts.

Ripple (XRP)price analysis:

In order to understand the future predictions of Ripple's XRP price, we will first look at how cryptocurrency has worked on the market so far. Have the previous price predictions been correct?

XRP price history:

The Ripple payment protocol, and the accompanying XRP digital token, has been in existence since 2014. The Ripple currency started on the market with a value of around 0.06 dollars. Then, as Ripple partnered and developed its relationships with established banks, the price of XRP cryptocurrency began to rise. Since 2014, the price of XRP has increased, although it is still affordable as an investment.

Ripple could be the catalyst to make cryptocurrency more popular - Craig Cole, CryptoMaps.

The first price spike came in May 2017, when an XRP came to be worth $ 0.34. The rise in the value of XRP correlated with the establishment of Ripple in emerging markets, when it opened new offices in Singapore and Mumbai.

XRP technical analysis:

Ripple's XRP is intended to be a method for facilitating payments between financial institutions, not an investment vehicle. However, you can still invest money, and there are many reasons why you should.

XRP has the largest share of the crypto market after Bitcoin and Ethereum, but it is cheap, usually between 15 and 20 cents. Ripple's low price makes it a perfect entry point for beginners and mid-level investors, who both Bitcoin and Ethereum are a bit priceless.

Because Ripple's price predictions expect the value of XRP to rise, even if adoption is slow, XRP could be a good long-term investment. Another advantage of buying Ripple is that, so far, it has shown less volatility than Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, making it a safer investment, even during bad periods of trading digital assets.

Ripple price prediction for 2018:

To examine the future movements of XRP it is a good idea to look back. The cryptocurrency was first made available in 2012 with a pre-mined supply of 100 billion tokens. Compare this to Bitcoin, which has a maximum supply of 21 million coins that will be released between now and 2140.

The XRP was trading close to 0.005 dollars (0.0045 euros, 0.0037 pounds) at the time of launch. For the first few years, the price did not move much. The value of XRP remained largely stable until 2017. That was the year of the crypto industry's first big boom, largely unexpected, and that raised the value of Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other crypto tokens, including XRP. The price of the Ripple coin rose rapidly during April and May 2017, reaching $ 0.40 per token. Prices were later set at around $ 0.20 for almost all of 2017.

December 13, 2017 saw another rise, when XRP prices rose 84 % in one day, from $ 0.27 to $ 0.51. Records continued to be broken in the following weeks. After breaking the $ 1 barrier, the XRP ended the year at $ 2.30, a huge 38000% price increase in early 2017. The bull run continued during the first week of January 2018, when prices hit $ 3.40, the all-time high for the XRP that has not yet recovered.

XRP, also known as Ripple currency or simply Ripple, is the true symbol, the digital asset of Ripple. XRP is used on the Ripple network to facilitate money transfers between different currencies. By first converting the transfer value into XRP (instead of a fiat currency like USD), exchange rates are avoided and payments can be processed in an instant.

We want to keep focusing on making XRP a valuable payment tool, and that value will increase accordingly-Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple.

The speed and efficiency of Ripple's system have made big financial institutions like Bank of America and Spanish banking giant Santander adopt it.

This high point didn't last long, with Ripple facing some brutal market corrections. On January 8, 2018, XRP had fallen to $ 2.46. In mid-January, prices halved to $ 1.18. Finally, in February, Ripple sank below the 1 dollar line. XRP has not managed to exceed that threshold since. Normally Ripple finds resistance between 0.18 and 0.23 dollars.

Ripple price prediction for 2019:

Ripple prices in 2019 tell a similar story to 2018. Despite the occasional surge in interest that caused the price of XRP to rise to $ 0.40 or even $ 0.60, it remained largely in its twenties and did not even come close to a dollar break.

Brad Garlinghouse Ripple (XRP) price prediction for 2020, 2021, 2025, 2030.

Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, has great future predictions for Ripple. Garlinghouse predicts that Ripple could become the Amazon of the crypto industry by 2025. Garlington plays safe for the long haul. In a 2018 interview, he reminded listeners that anyone investing in XRP, instead of trading it, should think months and years, not days.

Brad Garlinghouse also underscored the importance of cooperating with governments and banks, as opposed to Bitcoin's spirit of "free will" and regulatory evasion. And I may be right. Ripple has previously thrived during bear market periods, when other blockchain projects went under.

Addressing the recent market crash in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Garlinghouse stated that the universal economy is on "unexplored shores," due to market uncertainty brought on by the disease. However, Garlinghouse claims that the crypto market will recover from this phase.

TradingBeasts Ripple price prediction for 2020, 2021, 2025, 2030

This is how TradingBeasts market analysts predict future Ripple price changes:

XRP Price 2020: TradingBeasts predicts that the average price of XRP will rise to around $ 0.36 and stay close to that number.

XRP Price 2021: The expected price of Ripple is valued between 0.20 and 0.31 dollars.

XRP 2022 Price: TradingBeasts price prediction for XRP in 2022 puts it in the range of 0.41 to 0.5 dollars.

XRP Price 2023: TradingBeasts analysis puts the average price of XRP in 2023 at $ 0.30.

WalletInvestor Ripple price prediction for 2020, 2021, 2025, 2030, WalletInvestor, an artificial intelligence-based forecasting service, has a history of pessimistic predictions about the price of XRP, even going so far as to describe it as "a bad one-year investment".

XRP 2020 Price: WalletInvestor predicts Ripple will fall to $ 0.00939 in December 2020.

XRP Price 2021: In 2021 Ripple is expected to recover and the price will rise between 0.20 and 0.60 dollars.

XRP 2022 Price: WalletInvestor's prediction remains optimistic for 2022, with Ripple's projected price around $ 0.50.

XRP 2025 Price: WalletInvestor price predictions for Ripple reach $ 0.041, with an average price of $ 0.026.

Predictions of the future value of Ripple (XRP) in general:

Ripple's price could undoubtedly rise in the long run as Ripple's payment and exchange facilitation technology is adopted and supported by powerful banks and financial institutions. But what could be the possible Ripple prices from 2020 to 2030?.

How high can Ripple get?:

Looking at XRP's price history, some analysts confidently predict that Ripple could easily double or triple its value, perhaps even more, as the success of the parent company makes it less vulnerable to crypto market volatility.

You should use XRP (as stablecoin):

The table for XRP / XRP would be the same, so it's also solid money, but having Institutional Adoption and Partnerships, they're better.

Vitalik Buterin, creator of Ethereum:

If both the crypto market and Ripple's trading initiative are strong, then we could see Ripple worth several dollars, perhaps even reaching $ 5 in the near future. A $ 10 price prediction for the XRP still looks optimistic, but if you aim towards 2025 or 2030, anything is possible.

Some eager investors and traders cling to the hope that the price of Ripple will rise to $ 100. However, such a drastic increase is very optimistic, so anyone investing in Ripple and waiting for it to multiply by more than 100 times should be prepared to wait a few years.

XRP price prediction today:

Ripple is currently trading for around $ 0.17, with a market capitalization of $ 6,277,714,462 and a circulating offer of 43,818,008,717 XRP. To make price predictions for the coming months, one should look at the progress of Ripple's technology trading initiative and the cryptocurrency market in general.

Ripple, as a company, seems to be in a period of healthy global growth. The company previously announced that it would buy $ 30 million in MoneyGram shares at $ 4.10 per share, along with $ 20 million in shares over the next two years. Ripple has partnered with MoneyGram and treasury manager PNC to facilitate many cross-border payments between individuals and banks. Ripple recently announced a new cooperation with DeeMoney, which facilitates cross-border payments to and from Thailand.

Smartereum Ripple price prediction for 2020, 2021, 2025, 2030:

Smartereum is a news website founded in 2017 and based in Houston and Silicon Valley. It reports on news, analytics and blockchain technology, including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and of course Ripple's XRP.

Many experts have been reluctant to make a Ripple price prediction higher than $ 500 per coin. However, this seems to have changed with generally conservative experts now suggesting that XRP could reach up to $ 1,000 per coin in a few years-Andreas Kaplan, Smartereum.

As a news website, Smartereum has reported on the predictions of the future value of XRP. An article published in Smartereum showed the best projections of analysts and forecasts, foreseeing an inevitable and significant increase in the price of Ripple. Ripple and its influential financial partners want the price of XRP to rise, because it will make XRP less volatile.

XRP Price 2020: Analysts quoted by Smartereum predicted prices of up to $ 10/15 per XRP in early 2020, but it did not turn out to be so.

XRP Price 2021: Smartereum noted that even conservative experts were suggesting that XRP could hit as high as $ 1,000 per coin in just a few years after 2019.

Price of XRP 2030: Smartereum's tool reported projections in which the value of Ripple could rise to 200-300 dollars by 2030.

The technical analysis of WalletInvestor states that the XRP will not reach 5 dollars or even reach 1 dollar again, and that interest in the coming years will not be maintained in 2025.

Ripple price prediction for 2020, 2021, 2025, 2030:

LongForecast is run by the Economic Forecasting Agency, which specializes in long-term market predictions. This is how they predict the behavior of the price of XRP in the coming years.

2020 XRP Price: The estimated price by LongForecast is around $ 0.26.

XRP Price 2021: The Ripple price should go down and stay between 0.10 and 0.17 dollars.

2022 XRP Price: XRP price is predicted to drop significantly to an average of $ 0.06.

XRP 2025 Price: LongForecast's closest prediction is that Ripple price could reach $ 0.20 in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, Dicember 8, 2021