
Biden pierde el apoyo militar de sombrero negro tras el veredicto inconstitucional de Trump...

 Tan pronto como un jurado comprometido encontró culpable al presidente Donald J. Trump de 34 cargos artificiales, un grupo de altos mandos militares abandonó el régimen de Biden a favor de ayudar al presidente Trump y a los Sombreros Blancos a expulsar para siempre a los globalistas del Estado Profundo del panorama estadounidense.

El jueves por la tarde, el general Eric M. Smith supuestamente recibió llamadas telefónicas, mensajes de texto y correos electrónicos de 300 oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas, rango O-4 y superior, que dijeron que habían estado dormidos con la verdad, pero que de repente se despertaron al escuchar al juez Juan Merchan, patrocinado por Soros, decirle a un jurado profundamente liberal que no necesitaba unanimidad para condenar al presidente Trump, la primera vez. Hasta donde sabemos, un juez en funciones dictó instrucciones ilegales sobre la deliberación de un caso.

Una fuente de la oficina del general le dijo a Real Raw News que los 300 oficiales incluyen comandantes de escuadrón y división en todas las ramas de las Fuerzas Armadas y oficiales de logística que controlan el movimiento y la gestión del equipo militar.

"Es como si hubieran tenido una epifanía, un despertar", dijo nuestra fuente. "No estoy al tanto del plan de Trump, y no creo que el general Smith lo sepa todo, pero es posible que el presidente Trump anticipara que algo así sucedería. Tiene la habilidad única de ver varios movimientos por delante".

Si la salida de los oficiales del régimen fuera seria, marcaría el éxodo más significativo en un solo día desde que Biden robó las elecciones en 2020. Sin embargo, el general Smith no se toma nada al pie de la letra, ya que ha sido traicionado y examinará rigurosamente a los tránsfugas y a los indecisos para eliminar a los agentes provocadores y a los sórdidos espías de Biden.

Los honestos, dijo nuestra fuente, probablemente recibirán un indulto, mientras que los oficiales mendaces se arrepentirán de tratar de insinuarse entre los Sombreros Blancos y se enfrentarán a la muerte de un traidor.

Cuando se le preguntó por qué el general es caritativo con los traidores, dijo: "No es caridad, está siendo circunspecto. Hemos estado librando una guerra en cinco frentes, y no es ningún secreto que estamos al límite, como dijo Bilbo Bolsón en La Comunidad del Anillo: "Como mantequilla untada en demasiado pan". Tiene que tener en cuenta que muchos de estos oficiales fueron amenazados, engañados o adulados por el régimen. Ya lo hemos visto antes; oficiales que cambian de bando".

La semana pasada, el coronel Ryan Kendall, comandante de la 12ª Brigada de Aviación, y 35 oficiales bajo su mando enviaron al general Smith una carta diciendo que ya no defenderían a un falso presidente que actuó en contravención de la Constitución y los intereses estadounidenses y solicitó una amnistía. Nuestra fuente dijo que el general Smith y el coronel Kendall hablaron durante cuatro horas y llegaron a un acuerdo, aunque no explicó los detalles.

"Ejecutar a todos los 'Black Hat' que quieren volver al redil, siente el general, es irracional. Algunos merecen una segunda oportunidad, pero otros no, y eso es algo que deben decidir el general Smith y el consejo", dijo nuestra fuente.

Como lo hemos hecho en el pasado, le pedimos a nuestra fuente que cuantificara el número de los 237.000 oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas que son Sombreros Blancos, Sombreros Negros o indecisos.

"No puedo desglosarlo así porque ni siquiera sabemos lo que 237.000 personas están pensando en ningún momento. Puedo decir que las deserciones del Estado Profundo ocurren regularmente, más voluntad, y esto significa un cambio fundamental en el equilibrio de poder. Eso es malo para Biden, pero bueno para nosotros".

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, 29 de junio de 2024

Biden loses black hat military support after Trump's unconstitutional verdict...

As soon as a compromised jury found President Donald J. Trump guilty on 34 trumped-up charges, a group of top military brass abandoned the Biden regime in favor of helping President Trump and the White Hats drive the Deep State globalists out of the American landscape forever.

On Thursday afternoon, General Eric M. Smith reportedly received phone calls, text messages and emails from 300 military officers, O—4 rank and above, who said they had been dozing in the face of the truth, but were suddenly awakened by hearing Soros-sponsored Judge Juan Merchan tell a deeply liberal jury that it did not need unanimity to convict President Trump - the first time, to our knowledge, that a sitting judge had issued illegal instructions on the deliberation of a case. A source in the general's office told Real Raw News that the 300 officers include squadron and division commanders in all branches of the Armed Forces and logistics officers who control the movement and management of military equipment. "It's like they're having an epiphany, an awakening," our source said. "I'm not aware of Trump's plan, and I don't think General Smith knows everything, but it's possible that President Trump anticipated something like this would happen. He has the unique ability to see several moves ahead.” If the departure of regime officials were serious, it would mark the most significant exodus in a single day since Biden stole the election in 2020. However, General Smith does not take anything at face value, as he has been betrayed and will rigorously examine the defectors and fence sitters to eliminate Biden's agents provocateurs and sleazy spies. The honest ones, our source said, will probably get a reprieve, while the lying officers will regret trying to insinuate themselves among the White Hats and face the death of a traitor. When asked why the general is charitable to traitors, he said: "It's not charity, he's being circumspect. We've been fighting a war on five fronts, and it's no secret that we're exhausted, as Bilbo Baggins said in The Fellowship of the Ring, 'Like butter spread on too much bread.'You have to take into account that many of these officers were threatened, deceived or deceived by the regime. We've seen this before; officers switch sides.” Last week, Colonel Ryan Kendall, commander of the 12th Aviation Brigade, and 35 officers under his command sent a letter to General Smith saying that they would no longer defend a fake president who acted contrary to the Constitution and American interests and requested amnesty. Our source said that General Smith and Colonel Kendall talked for four hours and reached an agreement, although he did not explain the details. "Executing every 'Black Hat' who wants to return to the fold, the general feels, is irrational. Some deserve a second chance, but others don't, and that will be decided by General Smith and the council," our source said. As we have done in the past, we asked our source to quantify the number of the 237,000 Armed Forces officers who are White Hats, Black Hats or fence sitters.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, June 29, 2024

Marines arrest US ambassador to the UN for treason: the "peacekeeping force" of the "blue helmets" is wanted to monitor the 2024 presidential elections...

U.S. Marines arrested U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield on Thursday on charges of conspiracy to commit election fraud and treason after implicating her in an egregious plot to have United Nations "observers" and "peacekeepers" monitor polling places on the night of the 2024 election, sources in the office of Gen. Eric M. Smith said.

Thomas-Greenfield was nominated by Joseph R. Biden to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, as well as the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations Security Council on January 20, 2021, and the Senate confirmed her three days later. Our source said White Hats had not considered her a threat until it discovered her betrayal last week. The Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, he added, intercepted an audio conversation between Thomas Greenfield and the UN under-secretary-general for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, whom the White Hats had previously declared an "international" criminal when his name appeared at the Merrick Garland military tribunal in March. "This guy despises President Trump even though Trump hasn't done anything to him. These cockroaches keep crawling out of the wood. As far as we know, in this case, Thomas-Greenfield requested his help, not the other way around," our source said. In the intercepted call, Thomas-Greenfield is heard formally requesting UN assistance to safeguard polling stations from "MAGA insurgents and disloyal US military elements" eager to destabilize the election by intimidating Democratic voters. Biden, he said, expects MAGA antagonists to surround polling places in blue counties across the country, antagonizing, traumatizing and terrorizing peaceful Democrats, depriving them of their constitutional right to re-elect Joseph Biden and the country of an equitable election. He also made a shocking admission: an alarming number of military commanders had lost confidence in the administration and were illegally aiding President Trump's "personal war of attrition" against legally elected Democrats. Biden, he said, could no longer rely on calling in the National Guard to repel military traitors and Trump's unstoppable MAGA. "Tell me something I don't know," Lacroix told him. "I can no longer enter the United States because I will be burned at the stake." "They're hanging innocent people, not burning them," Thomas-Greenfield corrected him. "The same. The Americans will not tolerate UN peacekeepers. And this would put our people at risk," Lacroix said. He said the consequence of some skirmishes was insignificant compared to what would happen if Donald Trump were to sit in the Oval Office again, severing all ties with the UN and irrevocably ending funding for more than 600 UN programs. "The funding would end at that point," he told Lacroix. "And President Biden wouldn't announce the peacekeepers until a day or two before the election. He and Obama will hold a press conference in which they will say that it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the elections, and the people, who are enough, will create it. They will believe everything we tell them. We will make sure they have good reasons to do so." He went on to say that 60,000 to 70,000 peacekeepers should be enough to bolster the FBI and National Security forces that are already scheduled to guard polling stations from MAGA insurgents and military mutineers on Election Day. He said, "We will arrange it so that people here will welcome peacekeepers with open arms," but he did not specify how exactly the administration would make it happen. However, Lacroix replied that he would present the proposal to his superior, apparently António Guterres, and would respond to him once he had a response. White Hats made sure Thomas-Greenfield wasn't available to take that call. Early Thursday morning, the Marines set off the wireless alarm at their Queens, N.Y., residence and discreetly entered, surprising Thomas-Greenfield and her husband, Lafayette M. Greenfield, sleeping soundly in bed. By the time the couple realized that half a dozen armed Marines were in their bedroom, they had already been injected with a fast-acting sedative that quickly rendered them unconscious. "We suspect that the husband knew about his crimes and is an accomplice. He will be judged with her," our source said. "They don't speak, naturally, and they're in a detention center." When asked what serendipitous chance led Cyberspace Command to listen in on the phone call, he said the White Hats have eyes and ears everywhere and have been monitoring Lacroix's correspondence since his and Obama's faces appeared on the ZOOM call shown in the Garland courtroom. In conclusion, he said that the term "UN peacekeepers" is a misnomer; what the UN calls peacekeepers is actually an armed invasion force. "If we see a single blue helmet out there, we are shooting to kill. We hope that Lacroix, and we will give him some time, will realize that we have it and abandon any idea of landing blue helmets in the United States of America.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, June 29, 2024