
Web3, Web 3.0 or Semantic Web...

Web 3.0 or semantic web is an expression that is used to describe the evolution of the use and interaction of people on the Internet through different forms including the transformation of the network into a database, a social movement with the aim of creating content accessible by multiple applications (non-browser), the push of technologies, artificial intelligence, the semantic web, the Geospatial Web or the 3D Web.

The expression Web 3.0 is used by markets to promote improvements over Web 2.0. This expression Web 3.0 first appeared in 2006 in an article by Jeffrey Zeldman, a great critic of Web 2.0 and associated with technologies such as AJAX. There is currently a considerable debate around what Web 3.0 means, and which is the most appropriate definition.

Terms: There is also a more generalized sense, which emerged shortly after the term web 2.0 was extended, by the hand of professionals, who, aware of the potential that the global interconnection that was taking place, wanted this technical and technological development to have a positive impact on the development of a sustainable ecosystem, hence it began to identify this necessary and obligatory evolution of the web that was being developed and defined as web 2.0 in a similar way, but clearly at a higher point of evolution, hence the name Web 3.0. So, the term web 3.0, although with little media repercussion, began to be used in professional environments only, but, then, the term Web 3.0 began to be used in a general way, being many professionals of sustainable development who have been promoting and participating in activities of promotion and development of Web 3.0. Web 3.0, is the web that facilitates the accessibility of people to information, without depending on which device they use to access it, a web with which to interact to achieve results beyond the fact of sharing "information", that this information is shared by each person in an intelligible way and of benefit for them and their needs in each circumstance. While in Web 2.0 a technology has been developed that has enabled a large number of people to share, collaboration, co-creation, communication,... Web 3.0 proposes to extend this to more people, uses and applications, and provide a human sense and impact for social and environmental benefit. Innovations: Web 3.0 technologies, such as intelligent programs, which use semantic data, have been implemented and used on a small scale in companies to achieve more efficient data manipulation. In recent years, however, there has been a greater focus aimed at transferring these semantic intelligence technologies to the general public. Databases (Data Web): The first step towards "Web 3.0" is the birth of the "Data Web" or "Big Data", since the formats in which information is published on the Internet are disparate, such as XML, RDF and microformats; the recent growth of SPARQL technology, allows a standardized language and API for searching through databases on the network. "Big Data" allows a new level of data integration and inter-operable application, making data as accessible and linkable as web pages. "Big Data" is the first step towards the complete Semantic Web. In the "Big Data" phase, the goal is mainly to make structured data accessible using RDF. The Semantic Web scenario will expand its scope as long as structured data and even what has traditionally been called semi-structured content (such as web pages, documents, etc.) is available in the semantic formats of RDF and OWL.Artificial Intelligence: Web 3.0 has also been used to describe the evolutionary path of the network leading to artificial intelligence. Some skeptics see it as an unattainable vision. However, companies such as IBM and Google are implementing new technologies that harvest surprising information, such as the fact of making predictions of songs that will be a success, based on information from the University's music websites. Also with the dissemination of a "semantic map", which teaches computers the meaning of words and gives machines a vocabulary ten times wider than that of an average American student. There is also a debate about whether the driving force behind Web 3.0 will be intelligent systems, or whether intelligence will come in a more organic way, that is, from human intelligence systems, through collaborative services such as delicious, Flickr and Digg, which extract meaning and order from the existing network and how people interact with it. Web 3.0 is closely associated with the concept of personalization. It offers a stream of content adapted to our tastes and preferences, based on our online profiles, searches, opinions, activity and others. These personal data are stored in the cloud, and from this the Web 3.0, can run from any device, with a high degree of complexity and individuality.

Semantic Web and ODS: In relation to the direction of artificial intelligence, Web 3.0 could be the realization and extension of the concept of the “Semantic Web”. Academic research is aimed at developing programs that can reason, based on logical descriptions and intelligent agents. Such applications can carry out logical reasoning using rules that express logical relationships between concepts and data on the network.Sramana Mitra, differs with the idea that the "Semantic Web" will be the essence of the new Internet generation and proposes a formula to encapsulate Web 3.0. This type of evolution is supported by asynchronous calling technologies to receive and include the data inside the viewer independently. They also allow the use on mobile devices, or different devices accessible to people with disabilities, or with different languages without transforming the data. For Viewers: on the web, xHTML, JavaScript, Comet, AJAX, etc. For the Data: Interpreted programming languages, Relational database and protocols to request the data for it. Evolution to 3D: Another possible destination for Web 3.0 is the direction towards 3D vision, led by the Web3D Consortium. This would imply the transformation of the Web into a series of 3D spaces, taking the concept proposed by Second Life further. In addition, this could open up new ways of connecting and collaborating, using three-dimensional spaces.​ As far as its semantic aspect is concerned, Web 3.0 is an extension of the World Wide Web, in which you can express not only natural language, you can also use a language that can be understood, interpreted, used by software agents, thus allowing to share and integrate information more easily. This logical, was integrated into the new operating systems that Google launched for all devices in 2020. Google, said that it would be the most innovative proposal, since the emergence of Android and that it is far from everything done before by the iOS interface, whose innovation will undoubtedly mark a whole decade of user experience, making the most innovative proposal, of all its previous versions on the market, completely changing the functionality of the interface and the visual design, in the way never expected in the last decade of technological innovation in platforms for mobile devices and tablets.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060 
Buenos Aires, August 31, 2024

Blockchain: Una tecnología disruptiva con el poder de revolucionar los servicios financieros...

Blockchain es una tecnología que necesitas conocer .

Debido a su inmenso potencial , más de 70 de las instituciones financieras más grandes del mundo (incluidos Barclays, JP Morgan, Royal Bank of Scotland, State Street y UBS, por nombrar algunas) forman parte de un consorcio que investiga y desarrolla tecnología blockchain.
Además , el Equipo Global de Blockchain de PwC ha identificado a más de 700 nuevas empresas en el espacio y la tecnología blockchain es vista por algunos como el quinto paradigma de la computación después del mainframe , la computadora personal, Internet y, en última instancia, la revolución de las redes móviles y sociales. ¿ Aún no estás familiarizado con blockchain? No estás solo . De hecho , según una encuesta de 2016 a ejecutivos de alto nivel de algunas de las principales instituciones financieras del mundo, menos del 20% de los encuestados se describieron a sí mismos como "muy conocidos" o "extremadamente conocidos" con la tecnología. Dicho esto , el 56 % de los encuestados reconoce su importancia . ¿Por qué esta falta de familiaridad con una tecnología que tiene el potencial de revolucionar el comercio tal como lo conocemos? Creemos que esto se debe, en parte, al hecho de que muchas industrias aún están enfocando sus esfuerzos en aprovechar Internet y la tecnología móvil para mejorar las experiencias de los clientes.

Las industrias de servicios financieros y seguros en particular se están poniendo al día en este espacio. Con tanta atención centrada en las plataformas de front-office, se ha prestado poca atención a los sistemas arcicos de back-office y mid-office , donde la tecnología blockchain es más aplicable . Otro factor que contribuye a la falta de conciencia en este espacio puede ser que las personas tengan dificultades para comprender qué equivale a un cambio de paradigma en la forma en que los humanos siempre han hecho negocios. En Equisoft , creemos que la tecnología blockchain y sus posibles implicaciones para los sectores de servicios financieros y seguros merecen una atención especial . Como tal , hemos formado un grupo de trabajo interno de blockchain para comprender mejor la tecnología y cómo nuestros clientes pueden aprovecharla. La primera iniciativa del grupo fue el desarrollo de la introducción básica al tema contenido en las siguientes páginas. Confiamos en que nuestra descripción general le brinde cierta claridad y reflexión sobre esta tecnología potencialmente revolucionaria.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, 31 de agosto de 2024