
What is really going on in the world? Energy crisis, financial risks and supply shortages?...

China: Shortage of chips is the least of the problems: Shortage of "absolutely everything" is approaching.

A long time ago that it is talking about the shortage of chips, and they are becoming more passive components that begin to run low, while the rare earths that are used rise in price more and more, but this seems to be only the tip of the iceberg, and it indicates that China is starting to suffer the first consequences of an energy crisis that is already affected the country and that they will exert even more pressure on global supply chains and generating a huge shortage of "all for all the planet", in addition, it is also, China has a dozen sea ports closed a couple of months ago, which aggravated the situation of supplies for the entire planet, the energy crisis, financial and supplies of all kinds, I already arrived, need to know when to hit and where first.

More financial giants that are seriously affected by the bankruptcy of the Chinese mega-company, Evergrande, leader of the market of real estate and construction in China, in addition to owning a hundred banks.

Recalling a little further back, where there was a stock market and financial crisis (specifically credit) that erupted in the United States at the end of 2007, but its effects began to be noticed in early 2008. This put many countries and businesses under pressure and triggered other crises (e.g. public debt).

Today in China history is repeating itself again, but China is financially giant, what nobody dares to say yet, is that it will happen, when the first domino chip falls, what will happen next? what will be the consequences, as far as it will cover?...

For now we can predict some events that are happening now, for example, the funds of BlackRock, Vanguard and Fidelity suffer an exodus because of the fear of Evergrande, three of the largest fund managers in the world, have faced strong exits from portfolios exposed to Chinese real estate debt. Meaning, major financial crash and global shortage of everything, food, above all, a dollar in free-fall, the Oil barrel Brent (North Sea) is more than 80 dollars, crisis energetica, adding points to the financial crisis, shortage of raw material and supplies from China to the world, but the dozens of ports sea of china closed, as a consequence to aggravate even more the system of supply of raw materials and commodities on the chain of distribucioon global, up to that degree of scarcity, to take place, with regard to the problems above sitados? while, for now you can predict nothing, what you predict is not good at all.

USA: The biggest economic crisis is brewing since 1929. The perfect storm, the new financial system QFS, will come out of this new mindial crisis, that is what is being exposed, it is the only way out, the banking cartel, the Babylonian system of fractional currency, fake money, debt money, will end forever, that is a fact.

Japan: The covid-19 health alert will be lifted on October 1, in force in Tokyo and 18 other prefectures of the country on October 1, as planned, after appreciating a sharp drop in daily cases and serious patients.

Sweden: Virtually all restrictions, covid and vaccination will be eliminated on October 1st. No covid passport.

Norway: Has removed all restrictions, covid and vaccination. No covid passport.

France: The French oppose Macron's tyrannical covid passports for the eleventh consecutive week.

Spain: The Government of Navarra will leave from this Friday, October 1st, all anticovid measures (referring mainly to schedules and capacities) without effect, given the remarkable improvement in the epidemiological situation of the Foral Community, and after the Institute of Public Health concluded the period of epidemic circulation of covid-19.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 30, 2021

Que es lo que realmente esta pasando en el mundo?, Crisis energetica, riesgos financieros y escasez de suministros?...

China: La escasez de chips es el menor de los problemas: Se acerca la escasez de «absolutamente todo».

Ya hace mucho tiempo que se viene hablando de la escasez de chips y que cada vez son más los componentes pasivos los que comienzan a escasear, mientras que las tierras raras que se emplean suben de precio mas y mas, pero esto parece ser, sólo la punta del iceberg, y es que se indica que China está comenzando a sufrir las primeras consecuencias de una crisis energética que ya está afectado al país y que van a ejercer aún más presión a las cadenas de suministro globales y generando gran escasez de «todo para todo el planeta», sumado a esto, es que ademas, China tiene una docena de puertos maritimos cerrados hace ya un par de meses, con lo que agraba la situacion de suministros para todo el planeta, la crisis energetica, financiera y de suministros de todo tipo, ya llego, falta saber cuando golpeara y donde primero.

Más gigantes financieros que se ven gravemente afectados por la bancarrota de la megaempresa china, Evergrande, lider del mercado del bienes raices y construccion en China, ademas de ser propietaria de un centenar de bancos.

Recordando un poco mas atrás, donde se produjo una crisis bursatil y financiera (específicamente de crédito) que estalló en Estados Unidos a finales del 2007, pero sus efectos empezaron a notarse a principios del 2008. Esta puso bajo presión a muchos países y negocios, además fue el desencadenante de otras crisis (p.ej. deuda pública).

Hoy en China se esta repitiendo nuevamente la historia, pero China es financieramente gigante, lo que nadie se atreve a decir aun, es que pasara, cuando caiga la primera ficha de domino, que sucedera luego?, cuales seran las consecuencias, hasta donde abarcara?...

Por ahora podemos ir prediciendo algunos acontecimientos que estan sucediendo ahora, por ejemplo, los fondos de BlackRock, Vanguard y Fidelity sufren un éxodo por el temor a Evergrande, tres de las mayores gestoras de fondos del mundo, se han enfrentado a fuertes salidas de las carteras expuestas a la deuda inmobiliaria China. Significado, gran crack financiero global y escacez de todo, alimentos, sobre todo, dólar en caida libre, el barril de Petroleo Brent (Mar del Norte) supera los 80 dólares, crisis energetica, sumando puntos para crisis financiera, escasez de materia prima y suministros de China hacia el mundo, mas las docenas de puertos maritimos de china cerrados, como consecuancia agravando aun mas el sistema de suministros de materias primas y comodities sobre la cadena de distribucioon global, hasta que grado de escasez se llevara a cabo, con respecto de los problemas anteriormente sitados?, si bien, por ahora se puede predecir nada, lo que se pronostica no es nada bueno.

USA: Se está gestando la mayor crisis económica desde 1929. La tormenta perfecta, el nuevo sistema financiero QFS, saldra de esta nueva crisis mindial, eso es lo que se esta exponiendo, es la unica salida, el cartel bancario, del sistema babilonico de moneda fraccionaria, dinero falso, dinero deuda, se terminara para siempre, eso es un hecho.

Japón: Levantará la alerta sanitaria por covid-19 el próximo 1° de octubre, vigente en Tokio y otras 18 prefecturas del país el próximo 1 de octubre, como estaba previsto, tras apreciar una acentuada caída de los casos diarios y de los pacientes graves.

Suecia: Se eliminará 1° de Octubre, prácticamente todas las restricciones, covid y vacunacion. Sin pasaporte covid.

Noruega: Ha eliminando todas las restricciones, covid y vacunacion. Sin pasaporte covid.

Francia: Los franceses se oponen a los tiránicos pasaportes covid de Macron por undécima semana consecutiva.

España: El Gobierno de Navarra dejará a partir de este viernes 1° de Octubre, sin efecto todas las medidas anticovid (referentes, principalmente, a horarios y aforos), ante la notable mejoría de la situación epidemiológica de la Comunidad Foral, y después de que el Instituto de Salud Pública diera por concluido el periodo de circulación epidémica de la covid-19.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 30, 2021


The Perfect Binomial: Big Data and Blockchain...

Blockchain-based technology is capable of responding to many currently inevitable problems. That's why, the combination of Blockchain and Big Data could make the verification of transferable data perfect.

Anyone who has had to deal with large amounts of information knows that there are always high costs associated with big data such as false information, duplicity of the same data or human error.

Blockchain technology apart from data management, can be applied directly to enhance digital advertising as we know it. Since, Blockchain can serve as a means for fraud prevention, engagement and enhanced targeting, and to get rid of unnecessary intermediaries through different channels.

As a result of the binomial, Big Data and Blockchain, there are projects that are already providing critical information to the world, such as government, industrial, voting records, B2B, property and credit agency data.

The benefits of this combination of technologies are:

1) Transparency, by using Blockchain-based technology, data providers can rely on traceability and transparency.

2) Trust through the binomial that provides much-needed security between the data source and the end user.

3) Accuracy with the use of Artificial Intelligence, which allows fast and accurate navigation and classification of billions of data records, while Blockchain-based technology ensures their verification.

4) And simplicity

Blockchain-based technology is capable of responding to many currently inevitable problems.

The combination of Blockchain and Big Data could make the verification of transferable data perfect.

In short, the binomial between Big Data and Blockchain originates a facilitating and simplifying role because they are able to analyze the origin of the data and ensure that those data are reliable. Blockchain could be a catalyst for data quality and as such, the convergence of Big Data and Blockchain offers enormous opportunities for both organizations and consumers. For example, one of them is fraud prevention, as Blockchain technology allows financial institutions to verify every transaction in real time, can identify risky or fraudulent transactions on the fly, and avoid fraud altogether.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 29, 2021


Crypto News... Cryptocurrency Mining and Energy...

How much energy does it consume to mine cryptocurrencies at home?Cryptocurrencies have been in the spotlight this past year due to their skyrocketing growth in value.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two most popular cryptocurrencies in the world and it is no wonder that people like you are interested in the world of mining to generate profitability.

If you want to start mining cryptocurrencies you need a computer with enough power and know how much energy it will consume to make the investment profitable.

How much power does a mining computer consume?

Using a wall meter is the fastest and most efficient way to know the power consumption of your computer.

For example: if you have a computer with these specifications it will consume a total of approximately 0.2 - 0.3 kWh.

Processor: Ryzen 5 3600X 3.6GHz
Graphics card: RTX 3070 12GB
Ram: 32GB DDR4
Power supply: 650W
Motherboard: Gigabyte B450 AORUS Pro

The above configuration is the most common for mining Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies, except bitcoin unless you have hundreds of computers like that.

The consumption will depend on the characteristics of your computer. Note that it can vary between 0.1 and 0.6 kWh.

If you want to know the price per kWh in Spain check this page.
If you want to know the consumption and profitability of your graphics card you can go to this website.

On this website you will also find:

A calculator to know the consumption and mining power of ASICs.
A ranking of the best ASIC models according to their profitability, power, hash rate, and cost.

Ranking of the best GPUs.

But is it really profitable to mine cryptocurrencies at home?

Quick answer: Yes, except Bitcoin. This is not profitable if you want to do it from home unless you have hundreds or thousands of powerful computers to compete against super mining farms.

Other cryptocurrencies can be a good option.

Extensive answer: It depends on the cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin (BTC): The world's most famous cryptocurrency is not profitable due to high competition and mining farms spread all over the world. The more people decide to mine bitcoin the more complicated the algorithm becomes, so more and more computational resources are needed to obtain a hash.

1) Algorithm: Proof of Work (PoW)
2) Reward: 6.25 BTC

Ethereum (ETH): The second cryptocurrency with the largest market capitalization. To this day it is still a good option for mining but you need a computer with a minimum of power.

1) Algorithm: Proof of work.
2) Reward: 2 ETH

Monero (XMR): This cryptocurrency has a high level of privacy and decentralization. The advantage is that you can use it to mine both CPU and GPU.

1) Algorithm: Proof of Work
2) Reward: 2.47 XMR

Litecoin (LTC): Litecoin is an option for mining because it is a fairly stable coin, (although in the crypto world this is no guarantee) and does not require a large investment to make a profit.

1) Algorithm: Proof of Work
2) Reward: 12.5 LTC

Dogecoin (DOGE): This cryptocurrency was born as a meme but has currently become quite popular. Elon Musk and other influencers have promoted this coin with the goal of making it reach 1 USD in value.

1) Algorithm: Proof of Work
2) Reward: 10.000 DOGE

Now. If what you want is to get bitcoin, one option is to mine the aforementioned cryptocurrencies and then exchange them for bitcoin. This way you can mine more affordable cryptos with cheaper hardware and get bitcoin just the same.

Use renewables to save energy.

If you have a roof or a balcony where the sun shines for long periods or it is very windy you can choose to put solar panels or wind turbines.

These options are expensive but in the long run, you can save electricity and run your mining computers on clean energy.


Energy consumption for mining cryptocurrencies ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 kWh depending on hardware power.

Bitcoin is not a profitable coin but there are alternatives like Ethereum, Monero, Litecoin, and Dogecoin that are profitable and with less hardware cost.

If what you want is to get bitcoin, you can always mine the cryptos mentioned above and exchange them for bitcoin.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 28, 2021

Crypto News... Bitcoin, Cardano, Crypto Mining, FTX, etc...

BITCOIN OVER BANKS? Nearly a third of Salvadorans, or about 2 million people, are actively using the state-issued Chivo bitcoin wallet, according to President Nayib Bukele. If the figure is accurate, more people are using cryptocurrencies than any particular bank in El Salvador less than a month after BTC became legal tender there. 

QUICK CONSEQUENCE: Authorities in China's Inner Mongolia province seized 10,100 cryptocurrency platforms from a government-operated technology park, according to local media. This comes days after senior government officials renewed a crackdown on cryptocurrency trading and mining. Separately, Huobi Global announced Sunday that it would stop serving existing users in China by the end of the year. 

GO GREEN: Singapore startup Cyberdyne Tech Exchange sold its first tranche of carbon neutrality tokens backed by Chinese carbon credits, according to a Monday press release. These carbon neutrality tokens (CNTs) correspond to 5,000 metric tons of carbon credits generated by a wind project in Zhangjiakou. Separately, sustainable bitcoin mining company CleanSpark has moved all of its hashrate to the North American mining pool of Foundry Digital. (USA Pool of Foundry is a subsidiary of CoinDesk parent Digital Currency Group).

SWAPPING PLACES? Derivatives exchange FTX has officially moved its headquarters from Hong Kong to the Bahamas, amid increasing regulatory scrutiny around the world. Binance, under fire from financial watchdogs, is restricting use in Singapore. Valar Ventures, Third Prime and Castle Island led a $15 million raise in the Africa-focused exchange Yellow Card. Finally, decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are seeing growing volumes following China's cryptocurrency crackdown, with a value build in their tokens.

AT CARDANO: Emurgo, Cardano's venture and trading arm, is investing $100 million to boost DeFi, NFTs and blockchain education efforts for the world's fourth-largest blockchain. Meanwhile, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has donated $2 20 million to Carnegie Mellon University to establish the Hoskinson Center for Formal Mathematics. Finally, Dish Network is looking to use Cardano to provide digital identity services in a new partnership with Input Output, Cardano's parent company.

MINING ISSUES: U.S. Senators Maggie Hassan (D-N. H.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) have proposed legislation that would require the Treasury Department and other agencies to track how cryptocurrency has spread around the world. This would be, in part, to" identify vulnerabilities "crypto introduces to" the global microelectronic supply chain. "Meanwhile, e-commerce giant Alibaba will stop selling specialized mining equipment on Oct. 8, as at least 18 more crypto platforms and companies exit China following a nationwide crypto ban.

GUILTY AGREEMENT: Virgil Griffith, the controversial Ethereum developer accused of violating U.S. sanctions law for giving a presentation in North Korea in 2019, has pleaded guilty in a deal with federal prosecutors. He pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act on Monday in a New York court, and could serve between 63 and 78 months in prison after sentencing. 

NODWORTHY: A roundup of new tools and announcements pushing cryptocurrencies to new frontiers:

Social token builder Roll has raised 110 million in Series A funds led by IOSG Ventures. CEO Bradley Miles said Roll wants to be the " Stripe for social tokens."”

Fireblocks has proposed taking a first step towards "institutional DeFi" with an Arc tie-up Aave.

Hedgehog Markets, a blockchain-based prediction market platform, is testing "loss-free markets," which combine information markets, DeFi, stablecoins and "play-to-win"games.

Digital asset securities firm Securitize has launched a secondary market in hopes of attracting minority investors looking to trade tokenized shares of private companies.

Crypto Connect, founded by Anderson Kill attorney Hailey Lennon and 25 other influential women in blockchain, is being launched in 12 U.S. cities to provide a professional network for people in the crypto industry.

Coinbase will allow direct deposit of paychecks, taking a step further on the publicly traded exchange towards the provision of general banking services.be

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido
+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 28, 2021