
QFS puts an end to the fraudulent fractional reserve banking and monetary system (QFS-Quantum Financial System)...

End of the decline of the old fnancial fractional reserve system, money-debt system.

° The deep state financing scam

° Real money converted into fake money

° Stimulus is a fraud

° Taxpayers ' money is laundered through private property tax offices.

° The corrupt fractional money-debt system makes us live like medieval servants.

The banking system was a fantastic business for 250 years, since it was created in 1760 by Amshel Mayer Rothschild, but no longer, the system lent money they did not have and charged the lender interest on it, to which were added the "fractional reserve loan" that allowed banks to lend ten times more than they had deposited. This is simply called: SCAM...

In other words, they lent "money" that they didn't have and didn't physically exist because they didn't have any hard backing to pounce on it, appropriately called credit or debt money, with interest charges attached.

In a fraudulent monetary system, debt in real terms becomes impossible to pay, while the settlement of the required debt can only be achieved by devaluing the currency, i.e. inflation, in other words, theft.

Fake money rewards dark cliques of special interests, more closely associated with money managers:

° As the Deep State

° Banking industry

° The military industrial complex

° The Bigpharma

° All corporatocracies

° Wall Street

° The Vatican (who launders dirty money from the globalist elites through the Ambrosian bank)

° The infinite beneficiaries of public spending.

The unfair distribution of wealth is a characteristic of a ”fiduciary” monetary system and is observed today at its end. For example, the three richest people on Earth own more than 60% of the money of the world's population. Fiat money doesn't like morality, but it creates immoral societies. It requires the rejection of a convertible commodity standard and can only be enforced with powerful legal tender laws.

Economic bubbles are created artificially, by those who own fiat money, central bank manipulation of money supply and interest rates. A fiat currency eliminates a definable accounting unit, necessary for a sound economic calculation.

Most importantly, the central bank's global financial debt system is being pushed to the point of deflation, which will force the Deep State to relinquish its global control. The fiduciary financial system will be replaced by local currencies, i.e. units of sovereign money backed by gold, which will be executed through the QFS. This will be the basis for the Post-Fiduciary or Fiat world, the answer is GESARA.

Recovering from the damage caused by fiat currencies will be far more difficult than rejecting the temptation to start a fiat currency as a unit of account in the first place. Honest money is the essential ally of freedom. Precious metals should and will again serve as the basis for the new QFS system.

Around the world, people are waking up to the fact that the current money-debt (fiat money) economic system is unsustainable and bankers are quietly and secretly preparing for the worst. Governments will do what they always did in every financial crisis, protect the banks and all those within the system who belong to the Deep State.

The citizens of the middle class and poor, are already suffering the consequences of the financial and monetary system corrupt, organizing the running of the bulls to break all the economies around the globe, by means of mandates draconian and Orwellianos, the WHO, the UN and the IMF, the Big Pharma, the CDC, the governments of each country, together with the relevant ministries of health and with the consent of politicians, doctors, health centers, means of communication, mass, all are directly responsible for a form or another, in the framework of the Plandemia of 2020, so that, the middle and lower classes are struggling to find the best way to protect their wealth and ensure their security in these difficult times, not to mention that most are in a miserable shortage because of what has already been exposed. The unfolding of the greatest financial fraud in history and the greatest bubble is now upon us.

People must understand that they are living with a criminal private central banking system and totally unfair to their government as a partner. What is observed is nothing other than to let us all live as medieval “servants”. It is therefore vital that all private Central Banks be abolished at all costs and that legislation be enacted to ensure that no such bank is re-established in the future.

Clarification: All the central banks of all the countries of the planet, including the Federal Reserve, belonged to the Rothschild Family.

The Deep State funding scam:

The plan is not just to go after the shadow Government and the Deep State, but to go after the source of their funding that has made it possible for them to do what they do; to print easy money and corrupt. In short; Rothschild-controlled central banks print money out of thin air, governments borrow it with added usury, and let taxpayers finance this fraud.

Central banks are not tied to any control audits, so they can do whatever they want. Applying accounting practices that do not account for the money they have created. And as you can see, the entire economic system is rapidly deteriorating. President Trump continually and correctly points the finger at the Federal Reserve. He argues that they allow the economy to slide into recession, and constantly repeats that what the Fed is doing is wrong, insinuating that this will be the reason why if the economy weakens, eventually falls to a thousand pieces, the Central Banks are to blame.

Look at the current economy, people will see that all sales are running out. Car sales are down 20 %. Also new home sales are disintegrating in several areas with a downward trend of 8% month-to-month. Meanwhile, sales prices in many regions have fallen between 20 and 35% and if we see the rate in different countries this settles much more since a year ago. in consequence, coupled with the shortage of supplies and raw material, it can be noted since the great inflacioin associated to this particular fact, the fuel, between 2.5 and 8.7%, depending on the state, the food, the values of inflation ranging between 1.8 and 3.6 %, depending on the state and/or county, this is burtal and still not arrived in the time of the year-end holidays, that happen? nobody has the crystal ball, all I can say is that this bubble will explode and it will be the last and it will be as well, like no other crisis created. This is a complete and total disaster, even worse after the Fed lowered the interest rate to zero, which affects retirees in the first place.

Real money turned into fake money:

In the depression of the 30s what mattered was the money supply, but after Nixon in 1972 abolished the gold backing for the US dollar, he changed the “real money “to”fake credit/debt money". So now, it's not the money supply that matters, it's the credit supply/amount of debt created. As long as credit rises at a healthy rate below 2%, which means inflation and is nothing more than a simple theft by the government, markets and GDP rise. When the demand for credit does not increase, a recession and falling markets are expected. The idea behind QE (*) was to provide more credit money, but as there was no market for it, QE became a useless tool, since QE (*) does not create additional lending capacity.

(*) QE corresponds to a series of measures used by Central Banks to increase the monetary base, injecting liquidity into the reserves of the banking system.

Quality assessment cannot effectively create a new volume of loans. To put it as simply as possible. Reserves are bank assets. Loans are limited by available capital. QE changes assets but does not alter capital. If the Central Bank buys $ 2.6 trillion in treasury bonds from the non-governmental sector, the non-governmental sector sells $ 2.6 trillion in treasury bonds to the Central Bank. Giving the impression that the central bank of the Federal Reserve "injected" 2.6 trillion dollars in liquidity into the system. Despite this, the net effect remains zero.

Therefore, to say that a bank can go to Goldman Sachs and leverage the $ 2.6 trillion as if it were something new is not correct. They could do so before using Treasury securities as collateral

The idea that excess reserves point to future hyperinflation is also absurd. The assumption is that the banking system will somehow "lend" these excess reserves. That can't happen, it's impossible. Banks as a whole cannot lend reserves, period. Even very intelligent people are wrong in this concept.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, November 24, 2021

Blockchain, the Technology that will Revolutionize Finance...

If we hear the word "Blockchain," we quickly relate it to the implicit technology of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. However, this technology has many other applications, in finance and other sectors.

For 20 years to the present time, we have lived in the Internet of information, the free flow of information throughout the planet. Many experts predict that the next revolution of the network will be generated by the blockchain, the Internet of value, which allows value sharing (titles, files, patents and others) in a digital, decentralized (without the need for a central authority) and totally reliable way.

Blockchain, the digital trust:

The Blockchain is primarily a record, a ledger of digital data that is shared among many other different parties. Its essence is that once any information is entered, it can never be deleted or modified, being permanently recorded.

We can consider Blockchain as a distributed database (multiple databases related to each other), which allows to execute transactions between two or more parties in a verifiable, transparent and permanent way.

The blockchain generates a total consensus among its users, all participants have a copy of it. Therefore, Blockchain enables trust in any type of business relationship.

Main features of Blockchain:

Blockchain technology has the following advantages, essential in any economic transaction:

Security: Absolutely nothing can be modified or deleted, only added progressively. That means that once the transaction is done you cannot manipulate the system dishonestly.

Transparent: It is a record or "general ledger" in which the different transactions made are stored, you can only access to consult, without being able to modify those transactions. The veracity of the information is therefore guaranteed.

Trust: In decentralization and the lack of a central node where all the information is gathered, makes the parties involved fully trust this technology.

Cost and time savings: Significantly reduces the tasks of recording and controlling data in transactions. The blockchain avoids record duplications, only one record regardless of the number of participants (without Blockchain, if there are three participants it means that each of the three parties makes the record of the transaction).

Real-time transaction: Its immediacy (considering that there are no timeouts) minimizes the risk of counter-party produced in other transactions where the payment commitment it takes several days to execute (avoiding risks of non-payment, bankruptcy, fraud, etc... throughout the payment process).

On the other hand, its drawbacks stem from blockchain problems with scalability. The Scalability of a system is the ability to grow in volume and manage the increasing workload. In Blockchain, scalability is measured through transactions that can be processed in a given time.

Scalability issues can be slow compared to other centralized systems (most payment systems). Each block that is created has a certain limit of transactions, if in a time interval many transactions enter, the waiting times increase.

Another problem with this technology is the issue of regulation, it is not known what type of regulation the Central Banks (Europe and the United States) will undertake in the future regarding this technology applied to finance.

Blockchain applications in finance:

As we mentioned initially, the blockchain does not only have application in cryptocurrencies. Here are some of the possibilities offered by blockchain in finance:

Smart contracts:

One of the most important developments of Blockchain was made by the Ethereum Blockchain, through smart contracts or Smart-Contract. Smart contracts are applications that operate as computer programs and run through Blockchain, in a decentralized way.

To simplify, a Smart-Contract is a software code that will be executed by itself under certain circumstances agreed between the parties in advance. They usually include a financial transaction. For example, if the value of oil falls to a fixed price, an amount of money is invested in a certain share, just as Stop Loss works in the International Currency Market.

Smart contracts will provide financial services in the future without the need for intermediaries.

They have endless possibilities: Online voting systems, Insurance, Betting.

Smart-Contracts incorporate the main features that Blockchain (immutability, security and transparency).

Perpetual Identity:

Digital identification is becoming more and more important in the financial world. Being sure that a user is really the holder of a digital financial contract is vital. With all this, the introduction of a personal identity (Passport, deed) in Blockchain guarantees the veracity of the identification.

Some experts say that in the near future there will be a blockchain accessible to all financial stakeholders, where it will be possible to obtain digital identification. Thus, once the ID has been entered in that registry or blockchain, any bank or fintech will be able to access the ID (with the user's authorization). Therefore, any user will only need to enter their ID or passport once.

Digital payments, Stellar or Ripple:

There are very efficient digital currencies in international payments and micropayments:

Ripple: It specializes in cross-border payments (payments between different countries). Ripple's system is designed for financial institutions and payment providers around the world. This technology prevents cross-border transactions from going through intermediaries.

Stellar: It is an ideal platform for micropayments, due to its speed, low commissions and equal treatment between users.

Some financial institutions are starting to develop processes through Blockchain in various business areas.

Issuance of securities and digital assets:

Blockchain allows companies to issue digital securities or assets(a property, a financial asset, a cryptocurrency...). Once the assets are entered into the Blockchain, they can be traded between different companies. This transmission of digital assets facilitates trade and collaboration between companies.

Other Blockchain financial developments:

Without a doubt, cryptocurrencies is the sector where the blockchain has been most developed. Blockchain technology was born as the essence of bitcoin and is currently present in most digital currencies.

Other financial areas have also found solutions in the blockchain. For example, the US stock market, Nasdaq, uses Blockchain on its private stock market.

Blockchain, the technology that will revolutionize the Internet:

At first, Blockchain began in the shadow of bitcoin, but little by little, the blockchain has been implanted in different sectors (finance, medicine, food...). Many governments and multinationals are taking positions on blockchain, investing millions of euros to implement this technology in their organizations.

For years, the "Internet of connectivity and information" has changed the way we live, think and relate. For many, blockchain along with new digital developments (Big Data, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, cognitive system...), will be part of the next digital revolution. Actually, Blockchain will allow sharing value (titles, files, patents...) in a digital and decentralized way in most economic sectors.

Thus, the development of the blockchain is not directly related to the evolution of digital currencies. Despite the questions of cryptocurrencies, we can catalog Blockchain as a technology that will revolutionize the digital world.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, November 24, 2021

Blockchain, la Tecnología que Revolucionará las Finanzas...

Si escuchamos la palabra «Blockchain», rápidamente lo relacionamos con la tecnología implícita de las criptomonedas, sobre todo con Bitcoin. Sin embargo, esta tecnología tiene muchas otras aplicaciones, en las finanzas y en otros sectores.

Desde hace 20 años hasta nuestros tiempos, hemos vivido en el Internet de la información, la libre circulación de información en todo el planeta. Muchos expertos pronostican que la próxima revolución de la red será generada por la cadena de bloques, el Internet del valor, que permite compartir valor (títulos, archivos, patentes y otros) de una forma digital, descentralizada (sin necesidad de una autoridad central) y totalmente confiable.

Blockchain, la confianza digital:

La cadena de bloques o Blockchain es principalmente un registro, un libro mayor de datos digitales que es compartido entre otras  muchas partes diferentes. Su esencia es que una vez introducida cualquier información, nunca podra ser borrada o modificada, quedando registrada permanentemente.

Podemos considerar a Blockchain como una base de datos distribuida (múltiples bases de datos relacionadas entre sí), que permite ejecutar transacciones entre dos o más partes de forma verificable, transparente y permanente.

La cadena de bloques genera un consenso total entre sus usuarios, todos los participantes tienen una copia de ella. Por tanto, Blockchain posibilita la confianza en cualquier tipo de relación comercial.

Principales características de Blockchain:

La tecnología Blockchain tiene las siguientes ventajas, esenciales en cualquier transacción económica:

Seguridad: No se puede modificar ni borrar absolutamente nada, solo añadir progresivamente. Eso significa que una vez hecha la transacción no puede manipular el sistema deshonestamente.

Transparente: Es un registro o “libro mayor” en el que se van almacenando las diferentes transacciones realizadas, solo se puede acceder a consultar, sin poder modificar esas transacciones. Se garantiza, por tanto, la veracidad de la información.

Confianza: En la descentralización y al no disponer de un nodo central donde se aglutine toda la información, hace que las partes intervinientes confíen plenamente en esta tecnología.

Ahorro de costes y tiempo: Reduce considerablemente las tareas de registro y control de datos en las transacciones. La cadena de bloques evita duplicaciones de registro, solo un registro independientemente del número de intervinientes (sin Blockchain, si hay tres intervinientes supone que cada una de las tres partes haga el registro de la transacción).

Transacciones en tiempo real: Su inmediatez (considerando que no hay tiempos de espera) minimiza el riesgo de contra-parte producido en otras transacciones, donde el compromiso de pago tarda varios días en ejecutarse (evitando riesgos de impago, concursos de acreedores, fraudes, etc… durante todo el proceso de pago).                                             

Por otra parte, sus inconvenientes nacen de los problemas de la cadena de bloques con la escalabilidad. La Escalabilidad de un sistema es la capacidad de crecer en volumen y gestionar el aumento creciente del trabajo. En Blockchain, la escalabilidad se mide a través de las transacciones que se pueden procesar en un tiempo determinado.

Los problemas de escalabilidad pueden generar lentitud respecto a otros sistemas centralizados (la mayoría de sistemas de pago). Cada bloque que se crea tiene un límite determinado de transacciones, si en un intervalo de tiempo entran muchas transacciones aumentan los tiempos de espera.

Otro de los problemas que se le presenta a esta tecnología es el tema de la regulación, no se sabe qué tipo de regulación acometerán los Bancos Centrales (Europa y Estados Unidos) en un futuro respecto a esta tecnología aplicada a las finanzas.

Aplicaciones de Blockchain en las finanzas:

Como comentábamos inicialmente, la cadena de bloques no solo tiene aplicación en las criptomonedas. Estas son algunas de las posibilidades que ofrece la cadena de bloques en las finanzas:

Contratos inteligentes:

Uno de los desarrollos más importantes de Blockchain lo realizó la Blockchain Ethereum, a través de los contratos inteligente o Smart-Contract. Los contratos inteligentes son aplicaciones que operan como programas informáticos y se ejecutan a través de Blockchain, de forma descentralizada.

Por simplificar, un Smart-Contract es un código software que se ejecutará por sí mismo bajo ciertas circunstancias acordadas entre las partes de antemano. Normalmente incluyen una transacción financiera. Por ejemplo, si el valor del petróleo baja hasta un precio fijado se invierte una cantidad de dinero en una determinada acción, asi como funciona el Stop Loss en el Mercado Internacional de Divisas.

Los contratos inteligentes aportaran en un futuro servicios financieros sin necesidad de intermediarios. 

Tienen un sinfín de posibilidades: Sistemas de votación online, Seguros, Apuestas.

Los Smart-Contracts incorporan las principales características que Blockchain (inmutabilidad, seguridad y transparencia).

Identidad Perpetua – DNI:

La identificación digital cada vez es más importante en el mundo financiero. Tener la seguridad de que un usuario es realmente el titular de un contrato financiero digital es vital. Con todo esto, la introducción de una identidad personal (DNI, Pasaporte, escritura) en Blockchain garantiza la veracidad de la identificación.

Algunos expertos aseguran que en un futuro próximo existirá una cadena de bloques accesible para todos los intervinientes financieros, donde será posible la obtención de la identificación digital. De forma, que una vez introducido el DNI en ese registro o cadena de bloques, cualquier banco o fintech podrá acceder a la identificación (con autorización del usuario). Por consiguiente, cualquier usuario solo necesitará introducir su DNI o pasaporte una única vez.

Pagos digitales, Stellar o Ripple:

Existen monedas digitales muy eficientes en los pagos internacionales y micropagos:

Ripple: Está especializada en pagos transfronterizos (pagos entre distintos países). El sistema de Ripple está diseñado para entidades financieras y proveedores de pagos de todo el mundo. Esta tecnología evita que las transacciones transfronterizas pasen por intermediarios.

Stellar: Es una plataforma ideal para lo micropagos, debido a su rapidez, comisiones bajas e igualdad de trato entre los usuarios.

Algunas entidades financieras están empezando a desarrollar procesos a través de Blockchain en diversas áreas de negocio. 

Emisión de títulos y activos digitales:

La cadena de bloques permite a las empresas la emisión de títulos o activos digitales (una propiedad, un activo financiero, una criptomoneda…). Una vez introducidos los activos en Blockchain, estos pueden ser comercializados entre distintas compañías. Esta transmisión de activos digitales facilita el comercio y colaboración entre empresas.

Otros desarrollos financieros de blockchain:

Sin lugar a dudas, las criptomonedas es el sector donde más se ha desarrollado la cadena de bloques. La tecnología Blockchain nació como esencia de bitcoin y actualmente, está presente en la mayoría de monedas digitales.

Otras áreas financieras han encontrado, también, soluciones en la cadena de bloques. Por ejemplo, el mercado de valores estadounidense, Nasdaq, usa Blockchain en su mercado de valores privado.

Blockchain, la tecnología que revolucionará Internet:

En un primer momento, Blockchain comenzó a la sombra de bitcoin, pero poco a poco, la cadena de bloques se ha ido implantando en distintos sectores (finanzas, medicina, alimentación...). Muchos gobiernos y multinacionales están tomando posiciones en blockchain, invirtiendo millones de euros para implementar esta tecnología en sus organizaciones.

Desde hace años, el «Internet de la conectividad y la información» ha hecho cambiar la forma en la que vivimos, pensamos y nos relacionamos. Para muchos, la cadena de bloques junto con los nuevos desarrollos digitales (Big Data, IoT, Inteligencia Artificial, sistema cognitivo...), formará parte de la siguiente revolución digital. Realmente, Blockchain permitirá compartir valor (títulos, archivos, patentes…) de una forma digital y descentralizada en la mayoría de sectores económicos.

Así entonces, el desarrollo de la cadena de bloques no está directamente relacionado a la evolución de monedas digitales. A pesar de los interrogantes de las criptomonedas, podemos catalogar a Blockchain como una tecnología que revolucionará el mundo digital.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 60608
Buenos Aires, November 24, 2021