
The Agonizing Fall of the Deep State... The Fall of the World Woke Up and the Globalist Elites...

What happens when a multi-generational global war of subversion and infiltration comes to an end?. It is not an easy question to answer, since due to its construction we do not have access to recent and relevant historical precedents. While nothing can stop what is coming, no one can be prepared for it. Here I argue that what is fast approaching is a total reset of everything.
The image that is forming for many of us is that of the liberation of all humanity from hundreds of years of slavery, mental, financial, cultural, technological and spiritual. The fact that the slavery of the mind is at the top of the list is figurative, the supreme form of slavery is that in which slaves believe themselves to be free. This form of cheating began in Britain with the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, which effectively stripped the inhabitants of their innate Common law rights following deliberate social sabotage.
The core of this Moderna emancipation movement is the American people, who briefly escaped from the tyrannical European banking aristocracy. In 1871, the British Crown, working in secret alliance with the Vatican, annexed the United States and returned it the status of a full colony. This was brought about by the need for debt financing after the Civil War and was achieved by building a parallel dual state. A new corporate governance and a new constitution called “Washington DC” was established, an extraterritorial, illegal and unaccountable city-state. Behind this fraud of the first order was hidden a pure betrayal on the part of Congress. It was about the incorrect application of maritime law to land and later, the securitization of human beings through taxation. Thus, slavery did not end with the Civil War, it surreptitiously spread to everyone, but it was marketed as a liberation from the chains of plantations. "Make America Great Again" is really about reversing this debt-driven incorporation of 1871 and restoring the sovereignty of the American people. Once the whole world understands their relative situation of debt and fiscal slavery, it is inevitable that they too will demand equal freedom and prosperity. Donald Trump's first term was a bait and switch to lure this illegal and illegitimate form of banking governance into a trap. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) runs a Moderna totalitarian society of slaveholders on behalf of the globalist central bankers (who have their own internal factions and power struggles). The Maoist form of tyranny induces extreme poverty, while this is economically productive, since unproductive slaves have no meaning. It is a testing ground for prototypes of total surveillance and control technologies such as social scoring. China seeks to usurp the United States as a global hegemon by acquiring resources, including minerals, technology, workers and eventually, land. The Second Amendment, as a protection of freedom of speech and therefore of dissent, makes Americans the most difficult people to conquer in the world. "Deplorable" Americans are the last bastion of true human freedom. The "rights" and "freedoms" that everyone else "enjoys" are actually state-conferred privileges that can be eliminated, as evidenced now by vaccination passports and widespread censorship. The only way to resist a police state is for the police to be outgunned by the people. The 2020 elections were an attempt led by the CCP and multiple actors who worked together to put an end to the Trump-led revolt against globalism, steal those firearms (or generate a civil war in the attempt) and impose this neo-Feudalism on the American people with all their might. It was a turning point in history, in many ways even more significant than that of the 2016 election, whenI never thought I would loseand they ran out of a Plan B. This "national kidnapping" attempt was carried out using multiple methods, but two stand out. The first is the CCP's use of a biological weapon, with the media exaggerating the resulting pandemic, as a cover to cast endless fake postal votes. The second is the hacking of elections using electronic voting machines "drones". There are whole books about these "color revolutions" and electoral frauds and it's not my job to repeat what they know. The end result would have been the collapse of the West and all freedoms. that we enjoyed.
The good news is that the covert military operation, using Donald Trump as bait, has been successful. The attempt to reconquer the United States and its people has failed. It looks like the Stafford Act has been invoked and the military and FEMA are now in full control. The Second American Republic has been re-established and the bankrupt corporate state of Washington DC has been liquidated and closed down. Now we can see Q's operation of awakening the public and diverting media attention in its proper context, which is the military manual of the Law of War. This is mentioned directly in Q's messages, but it took three years for the "anonymous" to notice. "Washington DC" was never a state and therefore now forms a hostile power (led by the CCP and others) but now occupied by the US military. "The Biden Show" is underway to bring to light all the bad actors and sleepers who falsely believe that Joe Biden "won" and got away with the crime of voter fraud, that's not true either, Biden, he was an impostor and everyone will know by now. As a result, everyone faces their fate. This failure in the recovery of America means the collapse of the covert government of the Venetian mafia banking system (also known as Phoenician and Babylonian), its Egyptian-inspired slavery system and all that it in turn fed above my level of knowledge, but for the "elite", humans are a mixture of bushmeat, lab rats and slave workers. The word "pedovore" is one I wouldn't want to understand). For the sake of clarity, there is definitely no Jewish-led conspiracy. However, Israel is a major player and the USS Liberty false flag is about to come full circle. However, the end result for all people is shalom. The nature of a war of subversion and infiltration, unlike subjugation by means of invasion, is like a cancer that infects and parasitizes all organs of civil society. As JFK said"It is a system that has recruited vast human and material resources to build a very united and highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." The events of 2020 have shown that the academic world, law enforcement, the courts, the media and medicine are deeply corrupted. We are in troubled waters, as the political reset and the restoration of the American Republic have their ripple effect in all these areas. The cancer of corruption must be eliminated without killing its host. The first visible step is the conversion of Washington DC into simply Washington and the end of "federal" brand corporate governance as we have known it. If we look closely, we can see that we are draining the swamp" right now, as all of Washington's underground infrastructure is being purged of evil. We have been very close to totalitarianism and meanwhile, we find ourselves in a dirty “fourth generation” global war, which is de facto the Third World War. This is an “unrestricted proxy" war, meaning there is no formal division between military and civilian combat operations. There are also no physical or moral limits to their handling of both biological and information weapons and these specifically work in alliance to promote the propaganda of fear of Covid. Again, this explains the need for the Q-level military intelligence operation to raise a digital militia armed with laptops to counterattack. The secret and silent war is real and ends when everyone perceives it. As our collective enemy, the CCP is simply an agent of a broader and much more perverse agenda. I have learned that much of our history is fraudulent and "hacked". I have found out that what I was taught at school. or in TV documentaries it is often a distortion of reality. Our timelines have been shattered, entire nations have disappeared (like Tartary), the histories of territories have been erased (for example, Antarctica or Greenland) and civilizations have been ignored (like the Vedic ones in India). The "world as we know it combined" excludes the vast infrastructure within and between deep underground bases (DUMBs) and on the seabed and an equally huge Secret Space Program (SSP) outside the world. The average human being wallows in an extreme ignorance of the esoteric: the worst case is to be "educated" and overconfident, as one is in the "elite of exoteric knowledge". What is most interesting to me is that the signs of a profound change are in sight and the data are in sight. Let's take the upcoming financial and economic reset as an example. We have seen how 16 trillion dollars of assets have been invested in the XRP crypto technology and the ISO 20.022 Standard has been put in place to circumvent central banks. The "reacquisition" of gold and the revaluation of silver anticipate new non-fiat "rainbow" coins backed by precious metals. However, close technology partners working on crypto projects like Cardano/ADA may be unaware of the ultimate purpose of their efforts and how they fit into the big picture. In fact, the nature of compartmentalization means that they may reject the true real purpose of their own work as a "conspiracy theory". tales the world we have been living in, where systems of secrecy have been in combat and in conflict. The public exposure of these secrets ends the power of secret societies and triggers a political reset. It's not just finance and politics that are facing a total reset. We have been exploited through many other avenues, and each of them is facing a reset. The energy reset takes us from petrochemicals to Tesla-based transmission power (both from Earth and from space). The restart of communications requires the elimination of Mockingbird Media, as well as a new space-based secure quantum Internet for content distribution. The restart of well-being means the disappearance of the medical school created by Rockefeller, based on toxic petrochemicals, and its replacement by a mixture of simple light and electricity therapies up to extremely sophisticated "medical beds". The last of these factors is especially current in the context of the coronavirus scam. Current healthcare incentives align profits with lifelong discomfort. Suppression of symptoms is rewarded, not cures. mRNA vaccines fit this pattern and are credibly accused of being biological weapons of global depopulation. Beware of suppressing non-specific natural immunity and arming the danger of the cytokine storm!. It is possible that we are facing a megacrisis of the “AIDS 2.0” type just around the corner due to organ failures, dementias and death of those who opt for this way of gene therapy and this is already happening, but the globalist media hides it. On the contrary, we can also anticipate a revolution in the life expectancy of those who manage to overcome these risky times. Choose your path carefully and wisely. The "total reset of everythingis a process, not an event. For example, the forced deployment of vaccines in their “experimental” phase means that they cannot be mandatory, which eliminates the ability of the globalists to force everyone to take them. That in turn means that the terrible consequences cannot simply be attributed to the "new variants of the virusand further stoke fear. The fact that some don't take these products and don't get sick as a result makes it all too obvious that they are dangerous. The restart of medicine takes time. Despite this, there seems to be a triggering event of a change. sudden and massive geopolitical. Donald Trump once tweeted: "Move slowly, carefully and then attack like the fastest animal on the planet. If the warning signs are true, such an attack could have included the destruction of the Three Gorges Dam, which would put an end to the CCP. Many people would have died here in the process, but it would have stopped the global genocide of the coronavirus and the depopulation agenda of the "vaccines", for some reason, the white hat military, made another decision and this process. No. it has been carried out, for now. Such an attack would also destroy the Bitcoin mining infrastructure beneath the dam and unregulated coins that are used for crimes such as human trafficking. The same space of "Rods from God" can demolish Satanic monuments all over the world, which symbolizes a change in the global order and in fact this will happen, at the end of the battle, 36 satanic buildings will be destroyed. Meanwhile, precision cyber weapons can target critical globalist corporations and their revenue streams. Such an attack would result in both global martial law and the mass awakening of humanity to the existence of war. Spookdom is impenetrable by nature and I only work with open source intelligence.

Alex Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires,  24 de febrero  de  2025