
Los sombreros blancos detienen el plan del Estado Profundo para usar artefactos explosivos improvisados en el ..

Los Sombreros Blancos impidieron esta semana que el Estado Profundo organizara un ataque de bandera falsa que podría haber herido o matado a miles de espectadores en el desfile de los Texas Rangers del campeón de la Serie Mundial en Arlington, dijeron fuentes de la oficina del general Eric M. Smith a Real Raw News.

Operando con pistas creíbles proporcionadas por los columnistas federales, los Rangers del Ejército de EE.UU. allanaron el jueves una habitación de motel donde agentes federales disfrazados de fanáticos de los Rangers habían reunido una mezcla heterogénea de ollas a presión y bombas de clavos que habrían estado interespaciadas cerca del Globe Life Field y a lo largo de la ruta de la victoria de 5.1 millas donde 9,300 personas habían venido a celebrar la victoria de su equipo en la Serie Mundial.

El jueves por la noche, soldados del 75º Batallón de Rangers entraron en una habitación del Budget Suites Motel y sorprendieron a tres agentes renegados del FBI colocando detonadores electrónicos en frascos de vidrio llenos de clavos y pequeñas bolas de acero. Un agente buscó su arma y fue asesinado a tiros, mientras que los agentes restantes levantaron las manos y gritaron: "Me rindo. No dispares".

Los Rangers sometieron a los dos agentes y los sentaron uno al lado del otro en una cama. Encontraron, desarmaron y desmantelaron seis frascos y tres bombas de olla a presión, cualquiera de las cuales podría haber herido, mutilado o matado gravemente a los espectadores del desfile. Los agentes admitieron que se les había ordenado colocar discretamente los artefactos explosivos improvisados a primera hora del día siguiente, cuando el cielo aún estaba oscuro. Sin embargo, no dijeron quién dio las órdenes o a quién culparía el Estado Profundo por el ataque. Dijeron que sus instrucciones eran activar los artefactos explosivos improvisados usando teléfonos celulares desechables.

Los Rangers detuvieron a los agentes y recogieron el cadáver. Luego llevaron a los federales corruptos a un centro de procesamiento en el norte de Texas para interrogarlos.

"Si no hubiéramos sido avisados, los explosivos, si la fuerte presencia policial no los detectó, podrían haber matado a un montón de personas. Estaban apilados de 12 en profundidad en el desfile. Habría sido un evento con víctimas masivas, pero todavía no sabemos quién fue el chivo expiatorio. El Estado Profundo habría convertido a alguien en el chivo expiatorio. Tal vez los partidarios de Trump. Somos afortunados de tener gente adentro", dijo nuestra fuente.

La pista, agregó, provino de un agente de Seguridad Nacional que dijo que el FBI leal al régimen de Biden había alquilado la habitación del motel el día 1 con una fecha de salida el día 4, el día después del desfile. Incluso tenía el número de la habitación.

"Los Rangers exploraron el área con anticipación y vieron a los federales entrar y salir de la habitación durante dos días. Utilizaron tecnología de reconocimiento facial para confirmar que los chicos en la habitación fueron alimentados por la oficina de campo del FBI en Waco", dijo nuestra fuente.

ccPara concluir, dijo que los prisioneros serán sometidos a un riguroso interrogatorio antes de ser enviados a Guantánamo.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, November 09, 2023


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 2, 2023, #421

Dane Wigington


Breaking The Climate: Fires, Floods, Heat And Hail.

While Florida is flooding, Canada is incinerating with over 62,000 square miles burned so far. Super typhoon "Saola" has made landfall in Hong Kong while firestorms rage in Greece. Labor Day record heat will extend the baking of the central and southern US, "aquifers are running dry, posing a major threat to drinking water supply". Weather and temperature whiplash hits the West as moisture is allowed into the region. Cloud seeding with endothermic reacting elements will enhance the temporary toxic surface cool-down. Norway is stock-piling grains to prepare for coming shortages, North Korea is attempting to keep their electric grids functioning with solar power even as climate engineering operations blot out the sun. Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse, how long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. 

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Dane Wigington

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 06, 2023  

Noticias de Alerta Global de Geoengineering Watch, 2 de septiembre de 2023, #421...

Dane Wigington


Noticias de ultima hora, el clima: incendios, inundaciones, calor y granizo.
Mientras Florida se está inundando, Canadá está incinerando con más de 62,000 millas cuadradas quemadas hasta ahora. El súper tifón "Saola" ha tocado tierra en Hong Kong mientras las tormentas de fuego arrecian Grecia. El calor récord del Día del Trabajo extenderá la cocción del centro y sur de los Estados Unidos, "los acuíferos se están secando, lo que representa una gran amenaza para el suministro de agua potable". El clima y el latigazo de temperatura golpean el oeste a medida que se permite la humedad en la región. La siembra de nubes con elementos de reacción endotérmica mejorará el enfriamiento temporal de la superficie tóxica. Noruega está almacenando granos para prepararse para la próxima escasez, Corea del Norte está tratando de mantener sus redes eléctricas funcionando con energía solar, incluso cuando las operaciones de ingeniería climática borran el sol. El caos global se está acelerando al unísono con el colapso de la biosfera en desarrollo, ¿cuánto tiempo hasta el impacto? La última entrega de Global Alert News está a continuación.

Todos son necesarios en la batalla crítica para despertar a las poblaciones a lo que viene, debemos hacer que cada día cuente. Comparta datos creíbles de una fuente creíble, haga oír su voz.

Dane Wigington

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 06, 2023  

Geoengineering affects you, your environment and your loved ones, it affects all of us...

Dane Wigington


Global climate engineering operations are the most massive untold story of all. How do you keep such obvious and extensive operations out of the public consciousness? How toxic are the climate engineering elements that are being dispersed in our skies? How can illegal climate intervention operations be exposed and completely stopped? All these topics and more are discussed in this exchange between American presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org .

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 06, 2023  

La geoingeniería te afecta a ti, a tu entorno y a tus seres queridos, nos afecta a todos...

Dane Wigington 


Las operaciones globales de ingeniería climática son la historia no contada más masiva de todas. ¿Cómo se mantienen operaciones tan obvias y extensas fuera de la conciencia pública? ¿Qué tan tóxicos son los elementos de ingeniería climática que se están dispersando en nuestros cielos? ¿Cómo se pueden exponer y detener completamente las operaciones ilegales de intervención climática? Todos estos temas y más se discuten en este intercambio entre el candidato presidencial estadounidense Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. y Dane Wigington de GeoengineeringWatch.org.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, September 06, 2023  


World War II ends as Nazi faction finally defeated...

 The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity.

However, the KM faction that wants to turn this planet into a giant animal farm ruled by “a good shepherd,” remains to be defeated. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him. This means that while the genocide has been called off, the battle against digital slavery continues.

From a bloodline perspective, this battle has been between the British faction headed by Queen Elizabeth II and the German Nazi faction related to Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s relatives include former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and Barack Obama. 

As with the “official” end of World War II in 1945, we have to thank the Russians. Their total victory over the Nazi regime in the Ukraine ended the centuries-old plan KM to restore the ancient Satanic kingdom of Khazaria and rule the world from there.

People in the West know this too. A Twitter poll of British politician David Courten showed 77.5% of voters would prefer to be led by Putin. Note that “Biden” can’t get even 5%, but somehow got 80 million votes in 2020? 

Next take a look at these photographs released to the press of Nazi avatar Vladimir Zelensky being publicly shunned by Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO and other NATO leaders. This makes Zelensky a dead man walking.


As you can see from the interview below Zelensky himself now sounds like a defeated head coach at the end of a football season who -speaking in the past tense- says “You gave us huge support. I want to thank all Americans who understand,”

This defeat prompted a US State Dept. spokesman to say:

“We believe the war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…”  

Reporter: “Don’t you mean a strategic failure for Russia?”

Spokesman: “I’m sorry — excuse me — a strategic failure for Ukraine! Thank you for the correction!”

Even Vincenzo Mazzara from the fascist P3 Freemasons admits: “The NATO summit in Vilnius was the beginning of the end of Western unity on the Ukrainian conflict… fortunately for Russia, China and the rest of the world, including Europe and probably Ukraine as well, this endeavor is unequivocally failing.”

“No matter what NATO does, it will fail. There is no way to reverse this process,” chimes in Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.  


The US military agrees. Zelensky “is in this extraordinarily desperate situation, he is disintegrating. His forces are in ruins, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed for nothing…. There is no leadership in the White House…We are in the hands of a man who is not entirely mentally stable. Increasingly we are becoming a third world country…. Somebody needs to be fired. Obviously we know the man at the top needs to go away. The rest of these people, they need to be held accountable,” says Colonel Douglas MacGregor, the de facto leader of the US military white hats.


More importantly -just like the Nuremberg war crimes trials followed the first NAZI defeat at the end of WWII- new war crimes trials are inevitable.

Remember, the Russian government has presented exhaustive evidence at the UN over the past 18 months proving the US funded biological weapons production at laboratories in Ukraine. In particular, the Russian military has accused “Joe Biden” (or rather his Rockefeller/Nazi puppet masters) of orchestrating bioweapons production through his Ukraine-based bio-lab company Metabiota.

As a condition for peace, Russia is demanding -and is now about to get- a UN Security Council investigation of crimes against humanity via violations of the Biological Weapons Treaty. This is punishable by death.

In case you didn’t connect the dots, the Russian military action against Ukraine put an end to the release of new variants of COVID-19.

Here you can watch Russian General Igor Kirillov brief the public on the US Biological Warfare network and Hunter Biden’s Metabiota.

Evidence is also being presented in the West. A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed without good reason from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines.

These clumsy cover-up attempts are failing as even magazines like Science now admit to evidence of vaccine damage.


Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the elephant in the living room when he tweeted:

“The U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons…a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows [it] appears to disproportionately affect certain races…, The furin cleave docking site is most compatible with blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.”


This confirms the KM Neocons Project for a New America Century report calling ethnic-specific bio-weapons “a useful political tool.”

That is one of the many reasons why the KM is going to be taken down hard.

The Khazarian Mafia, with nowhere left to hide, have tried a coup d’etat in Israel in an attempt to turn that country into a modern-day Masada where they plan to fight to the bitter end.

This prompted a schism with non-Satanic Jews. Even the New York Times posted an editorial by Thomas Friedman saying “…when the interests and values of a US government and an Israeli government diverge this much, a reassessment of relations is inevitable.”

More importantly, would be Israeli God King Benyamin Netanyahu, collapsed after his attempted seizure of power in Israel. 

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, July 31, 2023