
World War II ends as Nazi faction finally defeated...

 The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity.

However, the KM faction that wants to turn this planet into a giant animal farm ruled by “a good shepherd,” remains to be defeated. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him. This means that while the genocide has been called off, the battle against digital slavery continues.

From a bloodline perspective, this battle has been between the British faction headed by Queen Elizabeth II and the German Nazi faction related to Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s relatives include former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and Barack Obama. 

As with the “official” end of World War II in 1945, we have to thank the Russians. Their total victory over the Nazi regime in the Ukraine ended the centuries-old plan KM to restore the ancient Satanic kingdom of Khazaria and rule the world from there.

People in the West know this too. A Twitter poll of British politician David Courten showed 77.5% of voters would prefer to be led by Putin. Note that “Biden” can’t get even 5%, but somehow got 80 million votes in 2020? 

Next take a look at these photographs released to the press of Nazi avatar Vladimir Zelensky being publicly shunned by Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO and other NATO leaders. This makes Zelensky a dead man walking.


As you can see from the interview below Zelensky himself now sounds like a defeated head coach at the end of a football season who -speaking in the past tense- says “You gave us huge support. I want to thank all Americans who understand,”

This defeat prompted a US State Dept. spokesman to say:

“We believe the war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…”  

Reporter: “Don’t you mean a strategic failure for Russia?”

Spokesman: “I’m sorry — excuse me — a strategic failure for Ukraine! Thank you for the correction!”

Even Vincenzo Mazzara from the fascist P3 Freemasons admits: “The NATO summit in Vilnius was the beginning of the end of Western unity on the Ukrainian conflict… fortunately for Russia, China and the rest of the world, including Europe and probably Ukraine as well, this endeavor is unequivocally failing.”

“No matter what NATO does, it will fail. There is no way to reverse this process,” chimes in Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.  


The US military agrees. Zelensky “is in this extraordinarily desperate situation, he is disintegrating. His forces are in ruins, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed for nothing…. There is no leadership in the White House…We are in the hands of a man who is not entirely mentally stable. Increasingly we are becoming a third world country…. Somebody needs to be fired. Obviously we know the man at the top needs to go away. The rest of these people, they need to be held accountable,” says Colonel Douglas MacGregor, the de facto leader of the US military white hats.


More importantly -just like the Nuremberg war crimes trials followed the first NAZI defeat at the end of WWII- new war crimes trials are inevitable.

Remember, the Russian government has presented exhaustive evidence at the UN over the past 18 months proving the US funded biological weapons production at laboratories in Ukraine. In particular, the Russian military has accused “Joe Biden” (or rather his Rockefeller/Nazi puppet masters) of orchestrating bioweapons production through his Ukraine-based bio-lab company Metabiota.

As a condition for peace, Russia is demanding -and is now about to get- a UN Security Council investigation of crimes against humanity via violations of the Biological Weapons Treaty. This is punishable by death.

In case you didn’t connect the dots, the Russian military action against Ukraine put an end to the release of new variants of COVID-19.

Here you can watch Russian General Igor Kirillov brief the public on the US Biological Warfare network and Hunter Biden’s Metabiota.

Evidence is also being presented in the West. A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed without good reason from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines.

These clumsy cover-up attempts are failing as even magazines like Science now admit to evidence of vaccine damage.


Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the elephant in the living room when he tweeted:

“The U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons…a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows [it] appears to disproportionately affect certain races…, The furin cleave docking site is most compatible with blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.”


This confirms the KM Neocons Project for a New America Century report calling ethnic-specific bio-weapons “a useful political tool.”

That is one of the many reasons why the KM is going to be taken down hard.

The Khazarian Mafia, with nowhere left to hide, have tried a coup d’etat in Israel in an attempt to turn that country into a modern-day Masada where they plan to fight to the bitter end.

This prompted a schism with non-Satanic Jews. Even the New York Times posted an editorial by Thomas Friedman saying “…when the interests and values of a US government and an Israeli government diverge this much, a reassessment of relations is inevitable.”

More importantly, would be Israeli God King Benyamin Netanyahu, collapsed after his attempted seizure of power in Israel. 

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, July 31, 2023

La Segunda Guerra Mundial termina cuando la facciĂłn nazi finalmente fue derrotada...

La gran reunión de la OTAN en Vilnius, Lituania, la semana pasada marcó el verdadero final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la derrota final de los nazis, según fuentes británicas del MI6, el FSB ruso y el Mossad. Esto significa que la mafia jázara, también conocida como judíos sabateos-Frankistas, ha sido derrotada en su plan para matar al 90% de la humanidad.

Sin embargo, la facción KM que quiere convertir este planeta en una granja de animales gigante gobernada por "un buen pastor", aún no ha sido derrotada. Como dice el refrán, la oveja pasa su vida temiendo al lobo, pero es el pastor quien lo mata. Esto significa que si bien el genocidio ha sido cancelado, la batalla contra la esclavitud digital continúa.

Desde una perspectiva de línea de sangre, esta batalla ha sido entre la facción británica encabezada por la reina Isabel II y la facción nazi alemana relacionada con Adolf Hitler. Los familiares de Hitler incluyen a la ex canciller alemana Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller y Barack Obama.

Al igual que con el final "oficial" de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945, tenemos que agradecer a los rusos. Su victoria total sobre el régimen nazi en Ucrania puso fin al plan de siglos de antigüedad de KM para restaurar el antiguo reino satánico de Khazaria y gobernar el mundo desde allí.

La gente en Occidente también lo sabe. Una encuesta de Twitter del político británico David Courten mostró que el 77,5% de los votantes preferiría ser liderado por Putin. Tenga en cuenta que "Biden" no puede obtener ni siquiera el 5%, pero de alguna manera obtuvo 80 millones de votos en 2020.

A continuaciĂłn, eche un vistazo a estas fotografĂ­as publicadas a la prensa del avatar nazi Vladimir Zelensky siendo rechazado pĂşblicamente por Jens Stoltenberg, el jefe de la OTAN y otros lĂ­deres de la OTAN. Esto hace que Zelensky sea un hombre muerto caminando.

Como se puede ver en la entrevista a continuaciĂłn, el propio Zelensky ahora suena como un entrenador en jefe derrotado al final de una temporada de fĂştbol que, hablando en tiempo pasado, dice: "Nos diste un gran apoyo. Quiero agradecer a todos los estadounidenses que entienden".

Esta derrota llevĂł a un portavoz del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos a decir:

"Creemos que la guerra ha sido un fracaso estratégico para Ucrania..."

Periodista: "¿No quiere decir un fracaso estratĂ©gico para Rusia?"

Portavoz: "¡Lamento, disculpe, un fracaso estratĂ©gico para Ucrania! ¡Gracias por la correcciĂłn!"

Incluso Vincenzo Mazzara de los masones fascistas P3 admite: "La cumbre de la OTAN en Vilnius fue el principio del fin de la unidad occidental en el conflicto ucraniano ... afortunadamente para Rusia, China y el resto del mundo, incluida Europa y probablemente también Ucrania, este esfuerzo está fracasando inequívocamente".

"No importa lo que haga la OTAN, fracasará. No hay forma de revertir este proceso", dice el viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores ruso, Alexander Grushko.


El ejército estadounidense está de acuerdo. Zelensky "está en esta situación extraordinariamente desesperada, se está desintegrando. Sus fuerzas están en ruinas, cientos de miles de personas han sido asesinadas por nada ... No hay liderazgo en la Casa Blanca... Estamos en manos de un hombre que no es del todo estable mentalmente. Cada vez más nos estamos convirtiendo en un país del tercer mundo... Alguien tiene que ser despedido. Obviamente sabemos que el hombre en la cima necesita irse. El resto de estas personas, deben rendir cuentas", dice el coronel Douglas MacGregor, el líder de facto de los sombreros blancos militares estadounidenses.


Más importante aún, al igual que los juicios por crímenes de guerra de Nuremberg que siguieron a la primera derrota nazi al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los nuevos juicios por crímenes de guerra son inevitables.

Recuerde, el gobierno ruso ha presentado pruebas exhaustivas en la ONU durante los últimos 18 meses que demuestran que Estados Unidos financió la producción de armas biológicas en laboratorios en Ucrania. En particular, el ejército ruso ha acusado a "Joe Biden" (o más bien a sus titiriteros Rockefeller / nazis) de orquestar la producción de armas biológicas a través de su compañía de biolaboratorios con sede en Ucrania Metabiota.

Como condición para la paz, Rusia está exigiendo -y ahora está a punto de conseguir- una investigación del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU sobre crímenes contra la humanidad a través de violaciones del Tratado de Armas Biológicas. Esto se castiga con la muerte.

En caso de que no haya conectado los puntos, la acciĂłn militar rusa contra Ucrania puso fin a la liberaciĂłn de nuevas variantes de COVID-19.

AquĂ­ puede ver al general ruso Igor Kirillov informar al pĂşblico sobre la red de guerra biolĂłgica de los Estados Unidos y la metabiota de Hunter Biden.

También se están presentando pruebas en Occidente. Una revisión sistemática de 325 autopsias que muestran que la vacunación contra COVID-19 causó o contribuyó significativamente al 74 por ciento de las muertes se eliminó sin una buena razón del servidor SSRN de preimpresión de The Lancet dentro de las 24 horas, lo que se suma a un número creciente de estudios censurados sobre los daños potenciales de las vacunas COVID-19.

Estos torpes intentos de encubrimiento están fallando, ya que incluso revistas como Science ahora admiten evidencia de daños en las vacunas.


Mientras tanto, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. se dirigiĂł al elefante en la sala de estar cuando tuiteĂł:

"Estados Unidos y otros gobiernos están desarrollando armas biológicas étnicamente dirigidas... un estudio de 2021 sobre el virus COVID-19 muestra que parece afectar desproporcionadamente a ciertas razas ..., El sitio de acoplamiento de furin cleave es más compatible con negros y caucásicos y menos compatible con chinos étnicos, finlandeses y judíos asquenazíes. En ese sentido, sirve como una especie de prueba de concepto para las armas biológicas étnicamente atacadas".


Esto confirma el informe KM Neocons Project for a New America Century que llama a las armas biolĂłgicas Ă©tnicas especĂ­ficas "una herramienta polĂ­tica Ăştil".

Esa es una de las muchas razones por las que el KM va a ser derribado con fuerza.

La mafia jázara, sin ningún lugar donde esconderse, ha intentado un golpe de estado en Israel en un intento de convertir a ese país en una Masada moderna donde planean luchar hasta el final.

Esto provocó un cisma con los judíos no satánicos. Incluso el New York Times publicó un editorial de Thomas Friedman diciendo "... cuando los intereses y valores de un gobierno estadounidense y un gobierno israelí divergen tanto, una reevaluación de las relaciones es inevitable".

Más importante aĂşn, serĂ­a el Dios Rey israelĂ­ Benyamin Netanyahu, colapsado despuĂ©s de su intento de tomar el poder en Israel. 

 Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, July 31, 2023


About Ethereum...

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is the most well-known cryptocurrency network for the development of decentralized financial applications.

What does Ethereum mean?

"Ethereum”, the name of this blockchain, evokes the concept of ether and ether, a mysterious invisible medium that slips into our universe and allows light to travel.

Due to its multiple uses and creation capacity, Ethereum can be described under various terms. For example, it is considered a global platform, because it is a system or "Internet place” that is available for any country or territory. Likewise, Ethereum is an open computational code, built on the basis of instructions and a programming language that is of public permission, so any programmer can consult freely.

What is ether (ETH)?

Let's start by clarifying that ether (ETH) is not the same as Ethereum. Ethereum is the platform as a whole, while ETH is the cryptocurrency and the ”fuel" of Ethereum. We can think of it like this: Ethereum is the country (like the United States) and ETH is its currency (like the dollar).

In this way, ether has several use cases. Mainly, being a cryptocurrency, it is a method of monetary exchange and also an investment asset. On the other hand, it is an indispensable element for the use of the network, so if you want to enjoy the services of any internal Ethereum application you must have ethers. That is, that ‘fuel’ known as ”gas" that makes it possible to transmit transactions.

What is gas?

To use the Ethereum network, as with other cryptocurrency networks, a fee must be paid. This tariff is known as gas. It's not that it's another currency, but rather it's a measure of what you have to pay for what you're doing: a transfer, a smart contract, a DAO, a game, a token, or basically anything that's built on this blockchain.

It should be mentioned that each ETH is divisible by up to 18 decimal places (0.00000000000000001 ETH), and just as there is a cent in fiat currencies, ether has also named its smaller fractions. From youngest to oldest there are: wei, Kwei (babbage), Mwei (lovelace), Gwei (shannon), microether (szabo), milliether (finney) and ether.

The most common measure of ether:

The Gwei is the unit that users use the most to denominate small amounts of ETH, as is the satoshi in Bitcoin. Usually, when you pay commissions to make a transaction on Ethereum, it is accounted for in Gwei.

How does Ethereum work?

To fully understand the operation of Ethereum, we must first divide it into two levels. On the one hand, we have the how the network works at the level of verification, validation and registration of transactions/information. On the other hand, we must also recognize that since Ethereum is a programmable network, there are other mechanisms that make it possible for developers to create their applications on it, so the process of operation in this area is different, even if they are interconnected.

At the level of data transfer: staking:

Let's talk first about Proof of Participation (PoS) and staking. These two concepts are interconnected with what are known as consensus algorithms, a set of rules of a network protocol that makes it possible for the community to make decisions and communicate without centralized governance.

If you want to know more about this concept we have a chapter of the Cryptopedia dedicated to it, but, in general, what you should know is that in Ethereum the Proof of Participation is used to validate transactions on the network. In this model, there are nodes (which protect and transmit the network information) and validators (which are responsible for organizing, verifying and registering new information to the network). Both figures are key to ensuring consistency in the data supplied to the network, as well as avoiding double expenses and processing transactions 24/7.

In the case of validators, they need to deposit money on the network (32 ETH or more) to have the power to validate transactions. This act is known as staking, and it has become popular in the market as a form of passive investment. They also need special computers and constant internet service to be able to carry out their work. For the work they contribute to the network, the validators receive a reward in ethers, as well as the commissions that users pay to have their operation transmitted.

For each set of blocks of transactions organized, verified and validated, an epoch (or level of the blockchain) is formed in the Ethereum network, where all the operations performed by the users of the same are stored historically. Just like a public ledger, users can see in real time the history of their transactions and other network addresses.

At the programming level: EVM:

At the level of application programming, there is another element that plays a fundamental role for the proper functioning of the network: the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM).

We can say that the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) is something like the Ethereum CPU. And it's just as it sounds: a digital machine that, in theory, is capable of solving almost any mathematical problem and, therefore, running almost any instruction or program. Ethereum is also known as a ”universal computer".

All kinds of computer programs, better known as smart contracts, are built on the EVM. These are codes and data that exist in a specific address of the Ethereum blockchain and which are executed with the aim of offering certain services or fulfilling certain tasks. That is, they are the piece that makes it possible for decentralized exchanges, unique digital images (NFTs) and even predictive markets to be programmed in this network.

The EVM has its own computer language:

The 'EVM bytecode’ is the language of the Ethereum Virtual machine. Once the contracts are written in Solidity, Vyper or another, they are “translated” into Bytecode so that the EVM can read and execute them properly.

What is Ethereum used for?

Ethereum has different use cases, because as we can see it is a platform with several layers of functions. Mainly, we can see it as a person-to-person (P2P) exchange network, where users can move money or make agreements with another individual directly, without the need for an intermediary.

In this way, you can trade with ether or other tokens that make life on this blockchain. You can also send remittances or international payments. There is also, in Ethereum, the possibility of carrying out loans, bets and other types of value exchange in applications developed by third parties.

As it is a programmable network, unlike Bitcoin, it serves to develop online applications in a decentralized way. In turn, since most of these dapp's are open source and Ethereum is also, other developers and programmers can create programs that interconnect with each other.

In this sense, users have the possibility to enjoy a more complete financial system, by getting all kinds of services, such as stablecoins, video games, liquidity pools, trading platforms and financing.

What is Ethereum used for?

Ethereum has different use cases, because as we can see it is a platform with several layers of functions. Mainly, we can see it as a person-to-person (P2P) exchange network, where users can move money or make agreements with another individual directly, without the need for an intermediary.

In this way, you can trade with ether or other tokens that make life on this blockchain. You can also send remittances or international payments. There is also, in Ethereum, the possibility of carrying out loans, bets and other types of value exchange in applications developed by third parties.

As it is a programmable network, unlike Bitcoin, it serves to develop online applications in a decentralized way. In turn, since most of these dapp's are open source and Ethereum is also, other developers and programmers can create programs that interconnect with each other.

In this sense, users have the possibility to enjoy a more complete financial system, by getting all kinds of services, such as stablecoins, video games, liquidity pools, trading platforms and financing.

How is ETH purchased?

There are several ways to buy ethers for the first time. Everything will depend on how much capital you have, the level of knowledge you have and how you want to carry out this operation.


The most common way to acquire any cryptocurrency, including ETH, is through an exchange. These are platforms specialized in the purchase and sale of crypto assets, as well as other financial products such as derivatives or even loan services.

In this market, there are two widely used types of exchange. First, there are the centralized or traditional exchanges (CEX), which are managed by a company or board. These exchanges are usually the favorites of novice users, since the operations are centralized and can be reversed in case any inconvenience /scam occurs. However, due to its operation, it is essential that the user links their bank accounts in order to make a first purchase on the exchange and even has to provide private information by KYC and AML measures.

On the other hand, there are decentralized exchanges (DEX) that usually make life on networks such as Ethereum and work through smart contracts. Without the need for an intermediary, users can make person-to-person (P2P) purchases automatically and without the need to provide personal information. Its disadvantages? They do not usually work with bank accounts or cash (only cryptocurrencies), as well as users are more vulnerable to scams or theft because there is little legal protection in this sector.


If cash is your thing, then cryptocurrency ATMs may be the ideal option for you to buy your first ETH. It is a machine, just like the ones we are used to in banks, that allows us to exchange physical coins for electronic money.

Not all ATMs have the possibility to buy ETH, since a large majority is focused on the bitcoin market. However, it is an alternative with many advantages: you can directly change money from your national currency to cryptocurrencies, if you make low purchases you do not have to provide personal information and you can get acquainted faster with electronic money since it is a very simple process.

A disadvantage? Not every country has cryptocurrency ATMs, much less every city in the world. Also, these machines usually charge high fees for their service.

Person to person:

Do you have an acquaintance who is selling ETH? Or any family member who is familiar with the cryptocurrency market? Well, one of the easiest ways to acquire a cryptocurrency is by buying it from a close person. Because Ethereum is a person-to-person (P2P) network, two individuals can make a trading agreement outside the network and even an exchange platform.

You will have to talk to the person about the terms of that trading operation: the price at which the cryptocurrency will be traded, the amount to be purchased and the address at which the money will be received. When all the details are agreed, both parties will transfer the capital without having to report it to a third party. Of course, be careful, as this is an informal agreement there will be no easy way to verify the transaction. Therefore, one of the biggest disadvantages of this type of purchase is that it is the most vulnerable to theft and scams.

Institutional signatures:

If you want to invest in ETH or do trading, but you are worried about the legal incidents of doing it on an exchange, then you have the investment funds or derivatives products on the stock exchange as a more institutional option. These financial products allow you to gain exposure in crypto assets without having to directly acquire the cryptocurrency in case you so desire. Likewise, some of these firms create investment strategies or diversify their clients' portfolios in order to maximize profits.

Some of these products are, for example, the futures contracts of The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Likewise, the digital asset firm Grayscale offers shares of its fund in ethers, the Grayscale Ethereum Trust, for those investors interested in holding the cryptocurrency.

Disadvantages? Mainly that this type of products are not as common and freely accessible as cryptocurrency exchanges. These are services focused on citizens of a country, such as the United States, Canada or the European Union area. In the same way, these are companies that ask their clients to meet certain requirements to become part of their community, such as buying a certain minimum amount of shares to be able to trade with them.

Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido

+54911 5665 6060
Buenos Aires, May 292023