It seems that the Khazarian mafia is finally launching their fake alien invasion Bluebeam project with all these public "UFO shootdowns". This is just part of an ongoing space opera in the media controlled by KM. You can watch 10 videos that are part of this show at the following link.
It would be funny, except that KM's track record means that they probably plan to blame "aliens" for the mass murders of civilians.
The only aliens we need to fight are demonically possessed "leaders" like the fake Joe Biden (even his granddaughter Ashley Biden now says he's dead), Justin Castrudeau, Benyamin Netanyahu and Emmanuel Macron. That is why the arrest of these criminals is necessary to prevent more mass murders.
As a reminder to readers, I first started fighting the Khazarian mafia because they murdered many of my colleagues and tried to assassinate me to prevent us from telling the truth. Now, they are trying to murder you and your families with vaccines etc. Do you get it now? Either we get them or they get us. It is perfectly legal to arrest someone like Justin Castrudeau because he is a proven mass murderer who is actively trying to kill you and your family. Neutralizing these people is a justifiable self-defense.
If you're still not convinced, look at all these patents for the diseases they've been trying to kill us with.
These criminals are especially dangerous now because they are facing the bankruptcy of their main enforcement tool, the United States of America Corporation.
This is now coming out in public. Brian Moynihan, president of Bank of America, told CNN, "We have to be prepared for [a U.S. sovereign debt default].",possibility%20that%20cannot%20be%20ignored.
BOA is one of the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve Board and its subsidiary US Corporation, so he has inside knowledge.
Another insider group, the Rothschild family, also made a move by excluding Rothschild & Co. "This was a commitment to keep what's going on inside The Family a private matter. A serious reconstruction is being carried out and is being supervised by the white hat alliance. It seems that a mutual agreement has been reached," says a Mossad source. He notes that "the Rothschilds said in their press release that Macron is 'their son'."
An objective look at the facts, however, shows that what is really happening is that the Rothschilds are bankrupt and facing lynch mobs. The entire nation of France is in open revolt with demonstrations in more than 300 places after their puppet Macron announced that he was stealing people's pensions.
In Paris alone, 500,000 protesters marched against Macron.
The Rothschilds also face daily demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in their colony Israel as the Jews revolt against the satanic lords of the KM.
They have also been systematically expelled from Africa, which means that they can no longer plunder that continent. Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop, speaking on behalf of many African countries, said his country replaced French troops with Russian private security because: "As for France, we have reached all the conclusions," he said. This cooperation did not meet the aspirations of the Malian people," he added.
The Rothschilds and their partners in crime, the Rockefellers, are also being driven out of the Middle East and elsewhere.
In the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been creating a massive anti-KM alliance, which now includes Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Last Sunday, February 12, Russian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Serge Kozlov announced that "Russia and Saudi Arabia have intensified efforts to expand military-technical cooperation."
Saudi Arabia's former rival, Iran, whose country was simultaneously attacked by Azerbaijan, Israel and Ukraine, is now part of the planetary liberation alliance. Your president just went to China. "The governor general of the Central Bank will accompany him with the aim of strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the banking field and negotiations in line with the opening of foreign exchange," an Iranian source says.
KM slave driver Netanyahu "actually linked the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the current aggravation of relations between Israel and Iran," Russian government sources say.
You can be sure that you are aware of the KM attack on Turkey with scalar earthquake weapons that killed more than 50,000 innocent civilians. This was part of a failed attempt to intimidate Turkey into obeying the KM again.
Russia also has such weapons but, unlike KM-controlled countries, they do not carry out mass killings of civilians. However, any other such attack is likely to force them to retaliate by simultaneously destroying Tel Aviv and Geneva, FSB sources warn.
All this turmoil is taking place because the US Corporation missed the January 31st payment deadline and was given until this week to get the funds or be cut off.
Alejandro O. Asharabed Trucido
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